
TAS on airRSS feed

Posted: Tuesday 16 August, 2005

by Rosemary at 9:02pm in Anything goes Comments closed

Well, we had our first (and probably last) foray into the world of media today.

Nancy Nicolson, from BBC Scotland, came to record some stuff for "Grassroots". She was really nice and made it all seem easy - I suspect that there will be a lot of skill in the editing, though.

The hens took stagefright and skedaddled when Nancy tried to record some hen chatter. Cassius came and sat on my lap while we were recording but had to be removed when he started to throw up. No wonder it's said that you should never work with children and animals.

In the wrap (that's the technical term for "the end"), I got to say "This is Rosemary Champion for the BBC, Alloa". It will probably be cut but for a moment I was right up there with Kate Adie.

The programme will go out on Saturday 27th August at 6.30am, if you want to listen in.

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