
Swarm / Gooseberries / GrassRSS feed

Posted: Monday 10 June, 2019

by Rosemary at 11:17am in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 3rd June

Not a bad day, weatherwise. This combination of sun and showers is great – just need a few nice dry days for the hay.

We had one very heavy shower - and Ace wanted to come in. Wuss.

AceAce, not enjoying the rain

Our new farrier came to trim Smokey, who was as good as gold so the farrier will be back in eight weeks. It’s not easy getting a farrier and even harder to get a good and reliable one.

Milked Annie on three quarters today, as Archie had obviously had a good feed off the fourth one.

AnnieAnnie, at an odd angle.

Cleaned out two hen houses. Put Spot-on on the cattle, except Archie, who nimbly evaded me.  Popped down to East Pitkerro to do the steers as well – they’re looking fine.

Paul came down and did some scything in Laing’s Field; he did a fab job, but the scythe’s not properly set up for him. Dan was mulching in the orchard and I weeded in the veg garden.

Tuesday 4th June

Oops, another swarm.

Planted out courgettes – the green ones, look fine; not so happy with the golden ones and all the squashes failed. Will plant more seeds later in the week.

The gooseberries and the blackcurrants are doing well – and the dahlias are showing signs of life!  Gave the blackcurrants a dressing of comfrey liquid.



Wednesday 5th June

Cool and wet today. Including my feet. Dan bought me a pair of cut-down wellie slip-on things and I’ve got into the habit of wearing them all the time. They’re good but not very high and I sloshed water this morning and got wet feet. Too lazy to change them, my feet were frozen and like prunes by lunchtime.

Jane was here to trim Leo’s feet.

Did some paperwork, mainly Smallholding Scotland stuff. Found out that there isn’t going to be an Edinburgh Yarn Festival next year – which is a bit disappointing, since we have planned out fleece processing to suit it. Hey ho, the yarn doesn’t go off.

Moved the cattle back into Laing’s Field after a few days taking off the long grass in our paddocks.

Thursday 6th June

Dull early on, then the sun came out. Lovely.

Visit from a Dundee Primary School this morning, through RHET. Great bunch of kids form P3/4 – loads of good questions.

Took Bryn, Gwenna and Bertie to the vet for their annual checks and vaccines. Bryn and Gwenna have both lost weight – no wonder, they’re busy dogs!

The last of the apple trees are in full blossom - this one is Court Plen du Plat.

treeCourt Plen du Plat.

Friday 7th June

Glorious day! Dan’s away to London on business; I had two loads of washing on the line by 10am. Went swimming, then put a third load on. Braw fresh bed tonight!

Spent the day pottering on wee jobs – very satisfying!

I'm not a lover of rhododendrons but this is lovely, in full bloom.

rhododendronRhododendron, in full bloom.

Heavy rain evening and overnight.

Saturday 8th June

Light showers and sunshine, and dry enough for Dan to cut the veg garden grass, then he was off on the tractor to move the electric fence in Laing’s Field “six posts” then top the grazed bit. It’s starting to look a bit better. By the time we retire, it should be fab!

swardSward in Laing's Field.

fieldLaing's Field.

He was then off the tractor and into the polytunnel, stringing up the tomatoes and building pea supports.

I planted out some peas and beans and sowed sprouts and more squashes. And weeded.

Sunday 9th June

Another beautiful day – showers were forecast, but we only had one very light one. Moved the sheep out of Far Top into Near Top, then Dan went into the vacated paddock with the topper.

We had a farm tour this afternoon, so spent much of the morning baking.

Enjoyed spending some time grooming the ponies – I don’t do it enough, for them or me.

Big flock of starlings in Laing’s Field tonight; looked like they were feeding off bugs on the cow dung. Haven’t seen that big a flock for ages.

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