
SnowRSS feed

Posted: Sunday 23 November, 2008

by Rosemary at 10:03am in Anything goes Comments closed

We've got snow this morning. It's cold but clear so maybe that's it all for now.

The hens wouldn't come out this morning until bribed with corn. The Legbars, who haven't seen snow before, were sitting on top of their run. They're quite different to the other hens - quite flighty, quite small and delicate looking. They also act a bit "refined", compared to the roughty toughty Black Rocks.

Felix went out but would only walk on the clear area where the car had been parked.

I'm off to make a Creole Christmas Cake now - the fruit has been soaking in rum, port, brandy, cherry brandy for a week. I won't inhale as I have to drive later!

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