Posted: Tuesday 8 April, 2008
Our pigs have been with us for just over a week now, and are settling in nicely. For those of you who are getting pigs for the first time, here are a few tips on getting them accustomed to your presence:
- Talk to them all the time. Pigs respond well to voice, so if you use a consistent call with them before feeding they will learn to come when you use that call. Rosemary uses a slightly high-pitched 'pig-pig-pig' to call them.
- Feed them around you. We feed our pigs on the ground by simply scattering their nuts - if you scatter them around yourself and crouch or stand still the pigs' desire to reach their food will trump their nervousness of your presence every time. This is a great opportunity to get a hand on their back or head so they can learn how nice it is to be scratched.
- Scratch them. Pigs love to be scratched - start with the back of the head and the back. If you work around to under their bellies they will topple over and just lie on their sides.
- Feed them treats. We hand-feed them apple slices (see vid below, apologies for the wind on the sound again, it is very windy here!) which they love.
Tamworth weaners getting apples from The Accidental Smallholder on Vimeo.
If I've missed anything or you've had a different experience please let us know here or in the forums.
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Hi, Scooby. Tess thinks she's the Boss. She loves them until they gey big enough and bold enough to toss her in the air, then she loses interest and goes back to her chooks.
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Tuesday 8 April, 2008 at 8:36pm
Hehe a wee woof from Tess just to keep them in their place!
Nice to see Rosemary too!
And sunshine!