
Seed sowingRSS feed

Posted: Saturday 5 January, 2008

by Rosemary at 4:22pm in Growing Comments closed

The weather has been rather horrible here for the last few days (weeks?). I don't mind the cold, but cold, horizontal rain is just too much. However, this afternoon, I was having a wee doze in front of the fire and feeling fed-up when - the sun came out. It was a pretty watery affair but there was definitely some blue sky.

So on went the wellies and off I went to get Smokey. His field is a mudbath so I like to give him a treat by letting him on to our field for a wee while - so he can move about without the perpetual sound of squishing. Anyway, this made him all frisky - that and having his rug off - and he has a good blast around, bucking and carrying on. It's not hard to see how horses mess up the grass real quick - there are holes the sheep could fall down!

I cleaned out the hen ark - found eight eggs - and had a wander round the garden, planning. Then I sowed some "Saladini" sald mix - chicory, endive and something else. The seed tray is on the kitchen windowsill, so we'll see how it does there. Hope Felix doesn't think it's a litter tray!

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