
Our anniversaryRSS feed

Posted: Thursday 15 May, 2014

by Rosemary Champion at 9:01am in Smallholding 2 comments Comments closed

It was four years ago yesterday that we got the keys for Dalmore.

It's been a lot of work but we now feel we're at the end of the beginning and here's to the next forty.

If we get a chance this weekend, we'll try and do a "before and after" photo shoot :-)



Thursday 15 May, 2014 at 11:17am

Can't believe it's that long already! I remember it as it was very near the beginning - you have made huge progress in that time; long may you enjoy!


Thursday 15 May, 2014 at 3:55pm

Happy anniversary Champions,

I don't have a smallholding just a dream and a burning ambition for later in life. I have had your page saved in my taskbar for over 2 years now and enjoy picking up tips and watching how your place is progressing. Thank you for taking the time to maintain your page and all the best for the future. Perhaps some day I'll look to you for my starter stock. Jimmy

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