Posted: Thursday 3 April, 2014
I'm sorry if this gets boring. Well, no, I'm not really :-)
Pixie had her lambs at lunchtime - a white ewe and a white tup, not in that order. Unassisted, although I did get the see the ewe lamb born. I think she had a leg back but Pix is quite a big ewe and it's her second lambing, so all was well. Both lambs up and suckled - Pix has plenty milk and nice wee teats - and their eyes are fine.
Smudge's two are learning to skip. The one with the turned-in eyelid is now normal - I turned it out a couple of times while I was out checking the ewes and it's now staying out by itself. The lambs looked teeny but each weighed 4kg. I was really surprised but maybe I just need to "get my eye in" this year. Pixie's two look much bigger - I'll weigh them in a wee while and see if I'm right.
Poppy (triplets, due yesterday) looks huge and uncomfortable - hope she lambs soon, for both our sakes.
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Friday 4 April, 2014 at 9:21am
Pleased to hear it's going well so far.