Posted: Saturday 10 April, 2010
It has been the most glorious day here today. I don't know what the temperature was but we were working outside in T shirts quite comfortably. The sheep were looking a little hot and the hens were dust and sun bathing.
Because we're not planting up the vegetable garden here this year, we have more time for the flower garden. Normally at this time of year, we're so busy sowing veggies, the weeds take over the flower beds and the paths and we never get caught up. Today we spent a couple of hours weeding and what a difference! It's kind of ironic that for the first time, the flower garden might be as I would want it and we won't be here to see it.
We were out sowing grass seed in the semi-dark, in the hope that we'll fool the hens. There are some real bare patches, but with the soil warming up, we're hoping that it will get a good start away. We've mixed the seed with white clover for the bees and other buzzy things. There have been a few bumble bees around and I saw my first butterfly today. Tonight, there were several bats in flight around the house.
When I fed the ewes this afternoon, the two lambs stayed outside the pen and, for the first time, played together. The wee tup lamb is much bolder and was bouncing around, while Milly watched him. Looks like Jura's going to be later, so her lamb won't have anyone to play with - its older half-siblings will probably either bully it or ignore it. Lyra was the same last year, at four weeks younger than Bud and Dickie. I checked Jura's udder tonight and she's no bag, so I'm going to treat myself to a full night's sleep. I hope I don't regret it.
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Jo @ LittleFfarm Dairy
Thursday 15 April, 2010 at 6:51pm
How exciting! And how lovely, that you are still taking care of your current home, for the benefit of the new occupants.
The people who used to live here did exactly the same thing, tended their farm with loving care to the last moment: for that, we are truly grateful.
For our part, we also left our home in excellent working order with a productive veg garden & immaculate lawns (hens & liveried ponies came with us). How sad, that our hard work has since apparently been undone...ah well; there you go - & you have to let it go, regardless, too.