Posted: Thursday 8 April, 2010
Hector, our Copper Black Maran cockerel, has a limp. Actually, it's a real hobble. He was limping yesterday, so I caught him and bathed his foot in hot water and Milton fluid. I am guessing that it's his foot that's the problem although I can't see anything in it or any significant swelling.
Dan says he was fine this morning but he was pretty lame this afternoon, so I caught him again and did his foot in the same way. I'll keep up the bathing for a few days and see how he goes. I did shut him in the broody coop, but he looked so miserable and Dan said he wouldn't fit through the entrance to the nest area, that I let him out.
He's a fabulous bird and pretty good natured; he didn't struggle or peck. His spurs are really long though - and sharp. I wouldn't like to be on the wrong side of them, if he meant business.
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