
First ever TAS lamb!RSS feed

Posted: Monday 30 March, 2009

by Rosemary at 8:37pm in Sheep 2 comments Comments closed

Jinx produced her lamb today at about 5pm. I must have missed it by a few minutes. It's a tup lamb; grey and black at the moment. He seems quite healthy - he's been up and had a feed. I helped Jinx with the rubbing down (don't think she really needed help, but I had to do something). She's had a feed and a drink and the lamb was sleeping when I went out at 8pm. His tummy felt quite full and he was nice and warm. I'll leave them in peace until morning. I'm planning to leave them in for three or four days, to be sure all is well.

My worry now is that Jinx cleansed properly. I couldn't see anything but they sometimes eat it, so now I've got that to worry about.

First Ryeland Lamb from asmallholder on Vimeo.

The racket on the video is Juno and Jura, who are hugely (literally, in Juno's case - she resembles a brown wooly elephant) excited by the new arrival. When I got home this afternoon, Jura was sniffing him all over then she had a hop, skip and a jump to celebrate. I've told her she'll curdle her lamb if she carries on like that!

I'm just glad it went OK but I know things can go wrong yet, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I hope Juno goes soon, because it's a good weather forecast for this week.



Tuesday 31 March, 2009 at 7:47pm

Congratulations on the lamb!


Thursday 2 April, 2009 at 11:02pm

He's a wee sweetie. Lots more video to come!

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