
FeathersRSS feed

Posted: Tuesday 29 December, 2009

by Rosemary at 2:02pm in Cats 2 comments Comments closed

Our two kittens, now eight months old, are becoming very distinct characters. Harry is bigger than Bertie and seems more mature. He reminds me of Cassius; happy to spend most of his time sleeping or watching the world go by, he is becoming a prodigious hunter.

Yesterday, alerted by the now usual clattering in the front hall, my investigations revealed Harry dragging a large, dead bird into the hall. Well, it was dead when I went back for a second look, coward that I am.

I was really surprised and not a little relieved to discover that it was a magpie. Given the egg stealing episode earlier in the year, I can't say I'm upset that there's one fewer of the bu**ers. Hope he keeps it up, but outdoors!



Tuesday 29 December, 2009 at 7:39pm

I'm reminded of Merlin's birding days when he popped in with increasingly larger birds until he specialised in live racing pigeons. I spent a lot of time standing outside the house until Paul got home.


Thursday 31 December, 2009 at 12:45pm

Wow, racing pigeons are pretty big game for a cat!

We hope Harry will stop before he thinks hens are fair targets - I'd really like him to move onto rabbits and keep on with the magpies.

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