Posted: Thursday 24 April, 2008
There was a time when the best present Dan could buy me was a chocolate bar but no more! (Actually, chocolate is also welcome anytime).
Today, 6 Cream Legbar eggs arrived in the post. They are the most lovely colour and if Dan hadn't taken the camera to London (again), I'd have taken a photograph of them. They have now been "resting" for about 12 hours so I'm just going to pop them in the incubator.
Fingers crossed!
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hi Rosemary!
do you really get chicks in the mail?!
it is getting to be gardening time here in Toronto. a few weeks ago I watched your video tours, and Dan showed tires for potatoes! I am very curious about this, is this how you grow your crop?
also, wondered what you do with your comfrey. I have a few plants in the yard - there was one very established plant that I tried to move and now, well it is everywhere!!! I don't mind, but wonder what to do with it.
Looking forward to pics of your cream chicks!
Hi, Lisa. Good to hear from you - hope the shop is going well.
Hi, Elizabeth. No, not live chicks - we get fertilised eggs and stick them in an incubator.
we have had some lavender arucuna eggs and some copper black marans hatch one of the copper blacks is ginger all over so i think we have an imposter but all seem good so not too worried how have your hatching eggs turn out
Hi Diane
I think your "ginger all over" CB Maran is a cockerel - we have two ginger ones and four black / cream ones, which are hens. I'm pretty sure these are a sex-linked breed.
See later diary entries for the results of the hatching!!
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Wednesday 30 April, 2008 at 3:56pm
Hi there, haven't said hello for a wee while! Cream legbars are the loveliest little hens, we've got 3 and they lay the most spectacular blue eggs, our customers just love them!
Happy hatching, we've got a hen on 8 runner duck eggs at the mo.
Lisa :)