
Chip's new girlsRSS feed

Posted: Saturday 13 September, 2008

by Rosemary at 8:15pm in Poultry 2 comments Comments closed

You will recall that Chip is a Crested Cream Legbar cockerel, who was the sole survivor of a very poor hatch. Although we bought 6 day old Black Rocks as company for him, I don't really think they bonded and now that they are free-ranging, he's quite often on his own. Aawww...

With that in mind, Claire and I were up at 6am this morning to get to the rare breed sale at Carlisle in good time for the poultry sale at 10.30am - with a view to getting Chip a new harem!

And we were successful! We came home this afternoon with 2 lots of three Crested Cream Legbar pullets; one lot was a May hatch and the other a bit later. They look nice and healthy and have already mastered the ladders in the small ark. They are leg ringed and recorded on my poultry register!

New Cream Legbar hens

Tonight, after dark, we moved Chip back into the small ark (that he vacated last night) to be with his new girls, so we'll see how they are in the morning.



Wednesday 17 September, 2008 at 10:35am

they are lovely, and its nice they are all getting on well.

sue jones

Wednesday 24 September, 2008 at 3:34pm

hi - just discovered your web site and was thrilled to discover you're just up the road [ i live in gargunnock near kippen]. i'm thinking of getting some hens but don't know where to source them-can you help?

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