Posted: Monday 16 January, 2017
Monday 2nd January
Moved the steers to their winter paddock today, with access to the wood. It was half dark by the time we got round to it, but they were really good.
Although the weather had been good over winter so far, I’m happy with them having additional shelter, just in case. We’ll get the ring feeder in soon.
The sheep now have access to all the other paddocks, so they’ll be happy too.
Met my chum Carol for lunch – great to catch up at Balgove Larder. Brought home a few wee foodie treats for Dan.
Tuesday 3rd January
Friends Paul and Gemma came down yesterday and stayed over. Paul’s going to do some work on the workshop to make it a bit more luxurious – well, warm and dry at least.
I tried a wee bit on knitting and think it might be my new hobby.
Wednesday 4th January
Urquhart and Teddy are best mates now.
Thursday 5th January
The avian flu restrictions have been extended until 28th February so I have splashed out and bought a 3mx3mx1.2m vegetable cage from Harrod Horticultural plus some polycarbonate sheets to make a solid roof. This will go on the caravan and give the hens a bit more light, fresh air and space.
To be fair, the hens are doing better than I expected – no health issues yet.
I’m pretty sure there’s egg eating going on so I need to get better nest boxes in the byre.
Friday 6th January
Off to visit friends near Kilmarnock this afternoon; out for dinner and staying overnight. John, Linda and Tara taking the strain.
Saturday 7th January
Home at lunchtime to find that Meg has had terrible diarrhoea over night. She seems OK today though, so fingers crossed that it was just a wee bug.
Sunday 8th January
First meeting of the steering group looking at establishing a national organisation for Scottish smallholders. Lots of good work done so feeling very positive.
Meg had another bought of watery diarrhoea so she’s going to the vet tomorrow. Not sure the stair carpet will ever be the same again.