Posted: Friday 4 May, 2012
Our Black Orpington has gone broody, so Dan picked up 13 Welsummer eggs from TAS's "cooped-up" on Wednesday night, so instead of two wee cream pullet eggs, she's now mum to 13 large, dark brown eggs. She doesn't seem to mind though .
We haven't put eggs under a broody for a long time and I donated our incubator to a school project, so we're hoping that we'll get a half decent hatch.
We've never had Welsummers before, but they have a reputation as a good dual purpose breed and the males are indentifiable at hatching, so we'll know what we've got. And hopefully we'll have some dark egg laying hens to bring into our laying flock.
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I always loved the multi-coloured eggs when the box is opened. good luck with hatching!

Hi rosemary we have had 11 welsummer eggs hatch out of 12 at the weekend so fertility is good, cute chicks so best of luck

@cooped-up - I'll tell the Orpington tomorrow. No pressure :-)
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Sunday 6 May, 2012 at 4:56pm
Good luck with your Welsummers!