Posted: Monday 12 September, 2022
Monday 5th September
Dan lifted the first ¼ of the potatoes. They look really good – had two baked for dinner and they were delicious.
I did nothing productive apart from my routine chores. Truly depressed at the prospect of Liz Truss as Prime Minister. The weather reflected that, being dismal with thunder and heavy rain.
Tuesday 6th September
Still doing nothing productive although I did get Gwenna’s physio referral sorted out.
More torrential rain, thunder and lightning this morning. Our house was struck and it’s damaged our network connection (Dan says) and blew up his X Box. Dogs terrified. Broken cloud and some sunshine and HOT in the afternoon and back to storms this evening, but not so violent as this morning
Wednesday 7th September
Woke up feeling better; decided to do every job I came across, regardless of its perceived priority. Sure beats wallowing.
Put out the sign saying we’re stopping selling eggs on the 18th September. Felt a bit sad. All surplus will go to the food bank until we reduce the hen numbers, probably after Lorna and I come back from holiday.
Thursday 8th September
Busy catching up with Festival stuff and campaign leaflets. Too wet to work comfortably outside.
Friday 9th September
Showery this morning, but brightened up. I think this is where the new hen pen will go.
Two of the gages need replaced and the other two need a good prune in April, but this seems like a good corner. The house we bought for Sheldon and his girls will do for four large fowl. Probably means we’ll be keeping Napoleon rather than Duck though.
The apple pressing equipment is being assembled. And the apples.
Saturday 10th September
Warm and sunny; checked the courgettes – oops, some were a bit big.
I lifted the squashes. Hen food. Not growing them next year – going to try butternut instead.
The leeks are amazing – muck tea is obviously “the thing”.
We’ve got some decent cabbages and the sprouts are coming along. You’ll note I post no photos of carrot or swede!!
Dan did a pressing of apples – 11 litres, so two 5l bags, pasteurised, and a bottle for use now. It’s delicious.
Sunday 11th September
Another lovely day spent pottering in the garden and relaxing.
Next year, we’ll have to put up supports for the raspberries. They’re really coming to fruit now – Joan J. Delicious.
The fuchsia hedge is in full flower and moving with bees. It may have a reprieve. I think I’ll try and grow something early flowering through it. It is very dull for the first half of the year.
Dan lifted more potatoes. Very pleased with Caledonian Rose and have ordered more seed potatoes for next year.