
Silly MillyRSS feed

Posted: Tuesday 6 April, 2010

by Rosemary at 11:31am in Sheep Comments closed

Juno's lamb, named Milly, is possibly the dimmest animal I have encountered. She's quite small and yesterdy, she was a bit bleaty. It seems she's perfectly good at sucking but not very good at latching on. Her mother is not terribly helpful - Jinx, by comparison, organises her legs to make it easy for het lamb to suckle - whereas Juno's static.

Anyway, both ewes are in small pens - the weather's not very nice and they are quite content - I think, for Ryelands, having your food put under your nose is some kind of heaven. I've been helping the lamb to suckle every couple of hours yesterday and overnight, so she's quite chipper and less bleaty. Hopefully, as she gets bigger and stronger, she'll manage by herself.

Another positive is that she should grow into a quiet, easy to handle ewe, given the amount of human contact she's having at the moment.

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