Thank you....the only thing is; if I wait for the enforcement, (which is imminent), I'd only have 28 days to submit an appeal, whereas if I put in a planning application, I'd then have up to 6 months to appeal & prepare a case ... is this correct?
The 6 months would allow me to save up enough money to pay the planning consultant.. Or can I appeal first and then start to prepare a case whilst I'm waiting for a date for it to be heard...?
Also, the planning application is double the fee if I wait for the enforcement notice, but if I make an application first, then the appeal will be free. Or that's as I understand it... So confusing! I only have a small pension to live on and have to budget carefully...
Would you say, Mart, that it is relatively easy to fill in the forms for the planning application (without a consultant at this stage)... I mean, do I need to have a supporting letter, maps, etc., or can I just rely on the previous owner's planning applications, which show that flood assessment, etc, has already been carried out...?