Oh... thank you so much for that... I must admit I've never been on FB... so that will be something new!
I guess some people are afraid to say too much for fear of being spied on by others who may not have their best interests at heart... I don't know...
But yes, it would certainly save time if people are upfront.
My computer is old and ailing and I can't afford a new one I've been unsuccessful in getting onto the GardenLaw site... I got this message;
'The username you entered is already in use, please select an alternative.
The entered email address is already in use.'Next time I tried I got this;
The specified username is currently inactive. If you have problems activating your account, please contact a board administrator.Not sure how I can contact a board admin if I can't access the site... Hmmm...
Well, anyway, despite being very ill with some virus, (a bit like my computer), I managed to write to the council to tell them that I'm now waiting to hear from a planning consultant, (true), and that I intended to comply fully with the request for the retrospective application, blah, blah. I hope that will stall them for a bit...
I went to the planning portal and looked up all the previous applications relating to my property, a quite recent one being an application to change the use of the existing building from Sui Generis to B1 use. This was initially refused by the council (suprise, surprise), but then went to appeal, where permission was granted as it was said that the site would just become overgrown scrub with a derelict building on it if it was not allowed to be used... I noticed that the supporting letter for this application was from a planning consultant that I had previously spoken to and was intending to use (funds permitting), and most of this letter is still relevant, and would, hopefully, help save some money.
Just waiting to hear back now...