Annoying thing is that hens can just do this with no manual, no forum, no instructions or humidity pump. I often think I should use broodies more.
Please advise a novice poultry keeper here. If you have a broody hen you could use, would you always use her rather than an incubator? What are the pros and cons?
hatching tends to be better (but not infallible)
no cleaning out dirty chicks-mum does a great job
chicks outside from the get go
its very gratifying seeing mum and chicks
chicks tend to grow up a bit more flighty
I think they tend to mature a little slower
mum can make a holy mess of your backyard showing chicks how to forage
it can take alot out of the hen-they sit for 3 weeks, then are with the chicks for up to 5/6 (I have to keep mine under wire/netting due to crows and sparrowhawks) and then IME (as mine tend to sit quite late) they moult. I had a terrible time trying to integrate one back into the flock last year and despite my best efforts at slow re-introductions etc, she was badly beaten up by another hen that she'd previously grew up with.
I have 24 in the incy atm, doing it dry. Not sure what fertility is going to be like (3 new cockerels) so will candle on friday.