It is tricky to know. I've had a couple of geese that I've managed to get out even though they hadn't pipped but they've still not survived longer than a day or so so I couldn't tell whether it was a humidity issue or something bigger. It's heartbreaking when you can see the little beak sticking into the air sack and then they just die without getting any further.
Devonlady/Nicnchic etc. it is lovely if you can just bung them in and then, bingo, 21 days later they hatch. BUT if that doesn't happen, you do have to consider how you can improve the hatching. I've had some lovely hatches from chickens, just as you describe, but I've also had awful hatches like a batch of 14 duck eggs, 12 of which were fertile and progressed brilliantly but then ten died after pipping internally and before they could get through the shell. You have to try and work out what went wrong.....