
New Tamworth weanersRSS feed

Posted: Saturday 28 April, 2007

by Dan at 9:13pm in Pigs 6 comments Comments closed

Rosemary headed off to Crieff this morning to collect our new Tamworth weaners. While she was away I secured their pen, fixing the chicken wire that last year's pigs lifted. We had an escapee last year, and wanted to prevent a repeat performance.

Curious Tamworth weaner

They arrived safely, and were soon rooting around their new home. We have two pens - the eastern pen, where they are now, has pretty good ground cover and excellent fencing with chicken wire; the western pen has good fencing, but with sheep netting, which pigs of this age can get through. Once they are too big to squeeze through the sheep netting they will be moved west, onto ground which was sown with grazing rye in the autumn: it's already thigh-high, so they will have great fun when they get in.

Tamworth weaners asleep.jpg

The dogs are as excited as ever to see new pigs. Tess especially so: she will more or less live with them for the next few months.

Although it's been a lovely day here today it got very chilly as the sun descended. The pigs hadn't managed to find their ark, and were huddled together shivering. I tried to lure them in by demonstrating what a lovely place it would be to sleep (it would be actually, it's really cosy - I'll need to remember that next time I'm thrown out) but they weren't having any of it. In the end we herded them into it, to much protest, but they soon bedded down in the straw and will hopefully be sound asleep by now.



Saturday 28 April, 2007 at 11:44pm

I do enjoy catching up with news on your smallholding. Fantastic photos of the pigs. I think pigs are great and I am hoping to get some soon. Which breed would you recommend?

Sara from farmingfriends in Yorkshire


Sunday 29 April, 2007 at 4:54am

Hi Rosemary and Dan;

So sorry I have not been visiting. I was down with Pneumonia and am MUCH better now. I just wanted to say, "HI", and hope you are all well. By your website, it looks like you are really busy mixed with a lot of fun!! I will be back in a few days when I am more on my feet. Have a great day!!!!!!!!


Monday 30 April, 2007 at 12:19pm

Chicks and piglets look superb! A week today we should have little cheep cheeps of our own, fingers crossed! I'm heading up to the market on Saturday, would be nice to have a chat to you if you do go? Would love to pick your brains about getting piglets, they're next on our list!

Lisa :o)

Nick PSF

Thursday 3 May, 2007 at 8:58pm

Trust that both Rosemary and Snowy are well at have recovered fully from the PSF outing on Wednesday.

We look forward to visiting you both again. The winged curses have made a right mess of my motor!!


Thursday 3 May, 2007 at 10:14pm

@Wanda: Good to see you back, hope you're well soon.

@Nick: Rosemary & Smokey both bruised but onbowed, thanks. As for the winged curses, have deployed more staves of rose and briar, and charms of faerie.


Monday 7 May, 2007 at 1:47pm


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