
Homer's purrRSS feed

Posted: Saturday 27 December, 2003

by Dan at 5:43pm in Cats Comments closed

A big breakthrough this afternoon with our new rescue cat, Homer. We got him just a week ago from the Clackmannanshire Cats Protection League who took him in as a stray. They think he's about 10.

He was depressed having been in their shelter for 3 months, very subdued, and a little underweight. He's staying in our spare room, where he will probably be for some weeks and maybe months while he builds up his strength and gets on his feet again. Then the fun of introducing him to the rest of the menagerie will begin...

R has done miracles already, feeding him up with turkey, milk, chicken and other goodies. Until today he has stayed well away from us when we visit, hiding under the bed or behind the sofa. This afternoon R took him a wee morsel and gave him a gentle stroke, and he broke into a deep, sonorous purr. It's a small step, but he's on the right road.

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