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Cat Flap Tennis

Saturday 3 July, 2004

by Rosemary at 2:38pm in Cats 1 comment Comments closed

In honour of Wimbledon Fortnight, Homer and Copper have developed a new game. It's called "Cat Flap Tennis". I'm not really sure what the objective of the game is or how a player wins or loses, but it involves two cats, one on either side of the cat flap. Cat 1 slaps the flap with his / her paw. Cat 2 slaps it back. Really skilled cats like Homer catch the flap with their paw as it opens towards them. Maybe the object is not to get biffed on the nose(?).

It's quite a noisy game especially when played in the quiet of the wee, small hours of the night. Cass, of course, doesn't get involved. Or maybe he's not invited...

Homer's Odyssey Part 4

Saturday 19 June, 2004

by Rosemary at 10:45pm in Cats Comments closed

To keep you up to date with Homer's progress, he's coming along nicely. He likes to sit in the kitchen, usually under the table, while you work about. If a small piece of cheese should not be required by the cook then Homer will take care of it. I'm not advocating feeding cats mountains of cheese, by the way, but food has been a successful way to Homer's heart!

Tonight I was on the phone to my sister. I sat in the front hall, with Homer and Cassius. It is becoming increasingly difficult to tell the difference between the two, in certain circumstances. Cass popped out through the cat flap - except it wasn't Cass, it was Homer. Casual as you like, the boy's gone for a wander round the garden! He must have been out for at least half an hour and probably longer - when I next saw him, he was appearing round the greenhouse and coming home.

Homer's Odyssey Part 3

Sunday 30 May, 2004

by Rosemary at 2:19pm in Cats 1 comment Comments closed

Homer on the doorstepOur two week holiday at home has certainly helped Homer. He's more relaxed and confident and YES! he goes outside! Not for long, mind, a few minutes is enough then he heads back indoors, exhausted.

It's been very sunny and warm while we've been off and he's been happy toasting his bones at the french doors or the front door, if it is left open.

Pussycat, pussycat, where have you been?

Saturday 8 May, 2004

by Rosemary at 5:52pm in Cats Comments closed

Not to London to look at the Queen, we assume. Cass disappeared for a couple of days this week. I was really worrie, imagining the worst. However, he's back and hungry. I suspect he got shut in somewhere. He's SO nosey.

Homer has been OUTSIDE. Not very far; only on to the doorstep. And not for very long, but out nevertheless. He's becoming much more laid back about the dogs. I think his mentor, Copper, has wised him up on how to deal with canines.

Cass and Copper seem to be getting along better. Both were curled up on our bed yesterday. That would have been unthinkable even a week ago. In fact, Copper would barely stay in the same room as Cass. Actually, she used to scarper before he chased her.

Homer's Odyssey Part 2

Saturday 24 April, 2004

by Rosemary at 7:19pm in Cats 1 comment Comments closed

Homer's journey to becoming a full member of the family continues. Physically he looks really well - his coat is black and glossy and he's probably about optimum weight. Mentally and emotionally, he's making progress, too.

Firstly, he now acknowledges his name and will come when you call him (usually). Secondly, he's much less nervous around us. He rarely starts away now if approached, he's happy to be brushed and we can stroke him with two hands at the same time (this used to freak him out). Thirdly, he is treating the dogs with the same disdain as Copper and Cassius do. He now comes out of his room when the dogs are around, particularly at feeding time. He's also chased Tess, who's back at bottom spot in the heirarchy. Finally, he started getting out and about right through the house - on windowsills, the settees and the chest of drawers in the kitchen, which is one of Cass's spots.

Cassius' presents

Tuesday 23 March, 2004

by Rosemary at 8:09am in Cats Comments closed

Cassius, number 1 cat, has taken to bringing us presents of dead rabbits. They seem to be his favourite prey at the moment. On Sunday, we noticed one of the dogs sniffing round our bed - we thought Cass was under it, but further investigation revealed the very small remains of a rabbit. Today (Tuesday), he appeared on the doorstep dragging a fresh kill. Shut out, he devoured it on the patio, with an audience of half a dozen hens.

The good side is that I've stopped worrrying about him not eating his cat food. But it's certainly nature red in tooth and claw...

Homer's Odyssey

Sunday 14 March, 2004

by Rosemary at 8:59pm in Cats Comments closed

Homer looking outI'm pleased to report that Homer's journey back into the family is continuing. He now makes his way around the house at night, once the dogs have gone to bed. Although he's still nervous around people, he's much more relaxed than he was.

A couple of nights ago, we were sitting in the living room when we heard thumping in the hall. On investigation, this turned out to be Homer chasing his tail and leaping around on the rug. This was the first time we'd seen him play and I have to confess I had a bit of a lump in my throat.

Out and about

Sunday 22 February, 2004

by Rosemary at 8:33pm in Cats Comments closed

It's been a lovely weekend here, so Copper had her first outing on Saturday. She had a lovely time exploring the garden, particularly Cassius's cat mint, sizing up the hens and chasing the dogs. We're pleased that she seems to be quite settled and happy. She's been out again today (Sunday) and, after a sardine tea, she's been lying in front of the open fire toasting her toes. She is an absolute sweetheart and we're really glad to have her.

However, we've discovered Copper's weakness - chimneys! We have an open fire in the living room. The fire has a little hatch at the back, presumably to stop draughts when the fire isn't lit. This hatch had been left open last night and Dan spotted Copper's tail disappearing up through the hatch this morning. Fortunately, she couldn't go far but she was pretty dirty and was very smokey smelling when she reappeared. The hatch is now firmly shut when the fire isn't lit.

Settling in

Monday 16 February, 2004

by Rosemary at 10:01pm in Cats Comments closed

Well, Copper seems to be settling in OK. She's a wee bit anxious but she's eating and all her bodily functions seem to be operating just fine.

Meg is officially freaked by the new arrival so she had an extra scoop of "Calm-a-Pet" on her dinner tonight. By next week, she'll be worrying about something else. Tess, I'm pleased to say, still loves Cass best.

I've only really noticed how big Cass is, now we've got Copper. He's quite stocky and weighed in at 5.75kg at his last visit to the vet, although he's certainly not overweight. He seems fine with Copper, although Meg barked at both of them tonight - the cats shot under our bed and obviously found themselves too close for comfort, then sorted themselves out in a flurry of spitting. They seem to have patched up their differences, now, though. Watching them, it looks like Cass is dominant - she won't try to stare him down, but it all seems pretty non-aggressive.

Meet Copper

Sunday 15 February, 2004

by Dan at 7:29pm in Cats Comments closed

Our new cat CopperThis afternoon the latest (and last for the time being) addition to our domestic menagerie arrived. Copper is a 13 year-old female tortoiseshell cat who until today lived with a work colleague. Unfortunately the arrival of a new baby has turned out to be too much for said colleague, and we heard about Copper via an advert on the work intranet.

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