Kept meaning to give an update

To be honest at the moment she is a bit of a liability, was told she didn't look at sheep, she DOES (none had been near the fence previously), not been in a field with any, but we are surrounded by them, (inc a few of my own), recall not reliable.
When we go in the goat barn or down to the goats in the field shelter she just goes into a completly mad spin where i have to get her out to calm her dowm, or runs round the back of the shelter trying to get in. Put a rabbit up in the top field one day, she shot after it, deaf to any whistles or calls, rabbit went through fence into neighbours sheep field, she was running up and down the fence, farmer is not known for the best of fences, i was praying she wouldn't find a gap. She did come back to me when she couldn't get through.
Sally, I hadn't realised I hadn't answered, yes, it is like chasing her tail, sometimes she will just walk in circles, other times she gets faster and faster, I have noticed she will keep glancing at me, I've tried ignoring her, but if she sees me looking she will break off and come to me.
I generally just talk her down, just by me quietly saying 'calm down' a few times seems work,
She doesn't do it as much as when she first came.
Other dog is a big problem with her, he barks when we leave the kitchen, she has started getting aggressive towards him, now its almost as though she is watching and waiting for him to start, she is barking at him, not the door like he is. I'm thinking she thinks she is protecting us, maybe his barking sounds like it is threatening us?
Husband not happy about her, partly that barking, but sometimes when he takes them a walk she runs off up the lane, (not far, only 10-15metres, and it's a farm track) he will have to come in to get me to go out and get her in, she hates his torch, a bright worklight, I've told him she hates it, last time she wouldn't come in, he said he hadn't used it, I told him I'd seen him with it on down the lane, of course he was shining it up the lane looking for her when i went out! i dont like bright lights in my eyes either! But when i was mending a torch, got it working, i noticed she went and curled up in a corner where she doesn't normally, i hadn't shone it at her, Very strange .
OH just left kitchen, JR started barking, she started at him, but came to me when I called, sat on my foot gazing up at me 'aren't I a good girl mum'

Still won't look at a ball, bought some rubber bones for them both, JR keeps claiming them all, but she will chew at one occasionally.
Have to admit, January I have been bogged down by OH's office work, end of year etc, but can spend a bit more time with her again now.
Another thing, walking trotting normal, but when she runs, she will hold her left rear foot off the ground for a few strides at a time, and when walking, holds her tail to the left all the time, considering she seems frightened of vans, I've wondered if she could have been knocked by one, any thoughts on that please? Or should I be worrying about hip dysplasia? Not sure what symptoms would be?
At least she's putting a bit of weight on now, and had a dish given to slow that gobbling food down.
And for all our problems, she ain't going anywhere else!

Love her..
Sorry, just realised what an essay, but I'm leaving it as is.