Been making a list of points I haven't replied to

Harmony, haven't got her to stay yet, sometimes still have to encourage her to sit.
I thought by giving her more time she may calm down a bit more. If I walk her in with the goats i think she would go into meltdown as they would gather round to examine her. I think I'll take her into the barn either tonight or tomorrow, give them chance to say hello in controlled conditions.doesnt look twice at sheep (not a working dog)
Generally gets on fine with JR, bit of jealousy occasionally if he sits next to me. When she is really spinning, and giving little gruff barks, he will sometimes run to her, barking, as though telling her to stop.
Previous owner did warn about the spinning, and when we go out, she walks fine on extending lead, when I let her off she spins but in bigger circles, just a few times, then runs round me in tight circles. Always to her left. When she is spinning in kitchen, the way she bounces round on her front paws makes me think of the way they go through the poles in agility comps.
SALLY. If I ignore her she just gets faster, i get worried for her and give in and call or whistle and she comes to me, radio is only on low unless news sounds interesting. I will leave it off tomorrow, see what happens.
She didn't even look when OH lit the rayburn tonight, so it's something to do with me ? Not hot in kitchen, she is content on her bed, the floor covering would be cooler?
DOGANJO. Looked at the book, sounds interesting, will see if i can get one, both would benefit

. She isnt a working collie, maybe thats why she has been passed round a bit

Had a harness given with her, When she 'getting upset?', while I was lighting rayburn yesterday, I put this harness on her, she just laid down and went quiet!
Or when I put the lead on her when she was spinning, I tied her to table leg for a few minutes, she just lay quiet, not stressed, immediately calmed down. Obviously don't want to do that often, but it was safer for both of us at that time.
I will see if what I can do to make her think a bit. And would like to see if i can get her retrieving.