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Displaying 21 to 30 of 193 results for Linda McDonald-Brown


Breeze and Blizzard are home

CorrieDhu brought Breeze and Blizzard home tonight, which was good of her. Both loaded like a dream - well, Breeze did. Blizzard was a little more difficult.. Hopefully, both…

DiaryLivestock / CattleWednesday 12 October, 2011



Mark, Mo and the boys were at Dalmore this weekend. While John, Linda, Mark, Mo and Lewis went cycling, Ben, who's 15, elected to stay with us and strim. He enjoyed it so much (!)…

DiarySmallholding / Anything goesSaturday 19 June, 2010


Getting ready for new hens

I have a batch of 40 pol hens ordered for collection next month. They are Rhode Rocks with a smattering of White Leghorns. They will be going in to the Brown House (as opposed to…

DiaryLivestock / PoultryTuesday 31 March, 2015


Guess what?

We've got two chicks. They hatched this morning. A third one is working on it but doesn't look to chipper at the moment; eggs four and five aren't doing anything yet. The two that…

DiaryLivestock / PoultryWednesday 25 April, 2007


The potting shed

The potting shed now has shelves, so we decided that it should be formally identified. With no little ceremony, the slate name plaque was screwed into place. Linda…

DiaryTAS / Anything goesSunday 18 July, 2010


Wood storage 2

Dan started boarding the end of the barn at the weekend. Looks pretty good and certainly breaks the wind. Barn boarding He and John have also been fencing (for a change…

DiarySmallholding / SustainabilityWednesday 12 October, 2011


Strathearn Tour de Fleece

Let’s keep it simple - The idea is to spin every day that the Tour de France is on, recording what you spin – fibre, singles or plying etc – every day. Add up…

EventFood & Craft / AgricultureSaturday 30 June, 2012


Game Pie

This is based on a game pie recipe from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, with a few changes here and there based on our expe…

RecipeFood & Craft / RecipesWednesday 14 September, 2011


Juno, Jura and Jinx

There was great excitement today as the foundation stock for our pedigree Ryeland sheep flock arrived. Dan was out at the crack of dawn finishing setting up the new…

DiaryLivestock / SheepSaturday 8 September, 2007


Vegetable garden

This time last year, the 3/4 acre paddock that is now the vegetable garden was grass. Since then, we've put on new gates, tidied up the fence, built five 1.2m x 18m raised…

DiaryVegetables / GrowingThursday 25 August, 2011

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