
Workshop: Making the Most of Your Accountant

Lisa Ramsay FCCA is inviting smallholders to attend a targeted workshop explaining some of the basic mistakes made when bookkeeping for smallholding, and a clarification of your year end accounts.

Workshop overview

You can expect:

  • A run through of good bookkeeping systems
  • An insight into what your accountant expects from you
  • How good bookkeeping can add value to your business and reduce stress in your life
  • How to optimise the time you pay your accountant for
  • What your year end accounts mean

Lisa has been a qualified accountant for 12 years and has specialised in agriculture for 9 years.

2017 dates

We are running this workshop on a single date in 2017:

  • Sunday 26th August 2017, 4.00pm - 6:00pm

The workshop costs £50 including refreshments.

Workshop location

The course will be held on our smallholding in Barry, Angus. We are 8 miles north of Dundee, on the east coast of Scotland. There is plenty of car parking. We offer a pick-up service from Carnoustie Railway Station which has regular trains from the north and south.

Please contact us for details of overnight accommodation available nearby.


To book a place on the course please contact [email protected] or call on 07986 451129.

Booking is essential as numbers are limited.

Rosemary Champion

About Rosemary Champion

Rosemary lives on a 12 acre smallholding in Angus, in the east of Scotland, where she keeps Ryeland Sheep, Shetland cattle and assorted poultry. She was destined to be a smallholder from an early age.

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