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the great vegetable plot

Dan spent all his pocket money last week on a new book - better than fags and sweeties, I say! It's called "the great vegetable plot" by Sarah Raven. He got it in Waterstones half…

DiaryVegetables / GrowingMonday 16 January, 2006


Pig fencing & chook ark

The weather has been kind to us lately considering the time of year, so today I've managed to dig holes for the 20 fence posts for the extended pig pens. The ground was easy to dig…

DiaryLivestock / PigsSaturday 24 January, 2004


New for 2008

We don't currently run our smallholding as a business. However, in 2008, I want to put it on a more business-like footing, at least keeping a better track of income and…

DiarySmallholding / Anything goesFriday 28 December, 2007


More beekeeping

Well, it's week four of our beekeeping course tomorrow. Week one was an introduction and bee biology; week two was equipment (and we were given catalogues away with us!!); week…

DiaryLivestock / BeesSunday 21 February, 2010


Grass / Cherries / Peas / Sink

Monday 9 July We had a wee smidge of rain – I do mean a smidge – overnight and it’s been cooler and cloudier today. So much more pleasant, in my…

DiarySmallholding / SmallholdingMonday 16 July, 2018


The freeze continues

It's still frozen here; we had a dusting of snow last night and it was -5 this morning, but with no wind, it didn't seem too cold. By the time I had finished at the stables, it was…

DiaryTAS / Anything goesTuesday 5 January, 2010



Last year, 2012, was the first year we’d kept pigs at Dalmore. We bought three Hampshire gilts, born 1st January, and had them slaughtered on the 21st August. We would have…

DiaryLivestock / PigsTuesday 8 January, 2013


The Silly Seasons DVD

Here at TAS, we are fairly regularly invited by publishers to review books on smallholding and related topics but for the first time, we’ve been asked to review a…

ReviewVegetables / GrowingMonday 28 January, 2013


The July Project Day 5

Yay! Day 5 of the July Project and it's only the 2nd! Needless to say, "the plan" is undergoing some adjustment :-) The new guttering for the barn extension is coming…

DiarySmallholding / SmallholdingWednesday 2 July, 2014


Jocelyn / Hedge / Wheelbarrow

W/e Sunday 28th January Storm Isha has been and gone and so has Storm Jocelyn. Thankfully, the only damage was the relocation on a sheet of black plastic from the vegetable…

DiarySmallholding / SmallholdingMonday 29 January, 2024

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