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Displaying 1 to 10 of 46 results for Mark Gatter


How to Grow Food in Your Polytunnel by Mark Gatter & Andy McKee

Stuff about growing things. We can't be more specific.…

BookVegetables / GrowingMonday 12 March, 2012


The Polytunnel Handbook by Andy McKee & Mark Gatter

The last decade has seen an unprecedented rise in demand for organic fruit and vegetables, and each year more of us are discovering that home-grown food is fresher, tastier and…

BookSmallholding / GrowingThursday 29 September, 2011


Chicken & Eggs: River Cottage Handbook No.11 by Mark Diacono

Chickens are a fantastic addition to a garden or outdoors space - you don't have to live in the back of beyond to have a few clucking around and giving you fresh eggs. They come in…

BookLivestock / PoultrySaturday 4 October, 2014


Pig Ailments: Recognition and Treatment by Mark White

Pigs are often the first livestock smallholders keep for meat production. There's nothing quite like your own pork, sausages and bacon, and pigs will plough your land too.…

BookLivestock / PigsThursday 22 December, 2011


Starting with pigs

An overview of everything you need to know when thinking about keeping pigs for the first time.…

ArticleLivestock / PigsMonday 29 August, 2011


Using raddle

The ram also needs to be fertile and have normal libido. I would advise the use of raddle – either as a block with a h…

ArticleLivestock / SheepThursday 2 May, 2013


Starting with cattle

If you are smallholding to produce your own food and you have enough land, I think you should think seriously about keep…

ArticleLivestock / CattleWednesday 23 January, 2013


Lambing box

Two weeks prior to the start of lambing is also the time to get the lambing box together. Don’t leave it to the last m…

ArticleLivestock / SheepTuesday 28 January, 2014


Selling eggs

What you need to know when selling your surplus eggs at the farm (or house) gate.…

ArticleLivestock / PoultryThursday 8 September, 2011


Fly Strike

Fly Strike is a horrible thing for any flock owner to deal with and can easily be fatal to the sheep if not detected ear…

ArticleLivestock / SheepMonday 18 March, 2013

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