Pig Ailments: Recognition and Treatment by Mark White
This clearly written, non-technical book is essential reading for all those who own, or care for pigs. It covers all the principal diseases and abnormalities that occur in pigs.
Written by an experienced veterinary surgeon and acknowledged specialist in pig medicine, it's a well-illustrated guide to the ailments experienced by the pig, both as an individual and on a herd basis. Treatment, control and prevention of each condition are outlined.
Pig Ailments: Recognition and Treatment covers all the principal diseases of breeding animals, both male and female. It examines all major pig ailments and considers their clinical signs and diagnosis as well as their treatment, prevention and control. Discusses those aspects of pig management that have an impact on the incidence of disease and which lead to a reduction in the productivity of the breeding herd.
how can I prepaire for pig keeping?that's in terms of construction of suitable pen,condition of temprature,feeding,how to avoid alments,cure and what is the best bleed to be raired?please help me coz I want to inback myself into this project.
Makiika Apollo
Namuddu, the best way to begin piggery is to start with a few, learn from them then grow in the farming. Piggery needs Patience. Apollo Makiika.
In most cases in developing countries,pig producers have litle or no knowledge on it,what if you could release a book freely on line?my self i need to know how to keep them
Makiika Apollo
Hello Mzingula
Thanks for that inspirational advise. I have a PowerPoint presentation that I use to train farmers in my town of Soroti-Uganda. You can give me your email and I will send it to you. Apollo
Hie Apollo
I would appreciate getting a copy of your PP presentation on pig farming. Im from Zimbabwe
Makiika Apollo
Hello Ras, I need your contacts and I will send it to you.
want to know how to manufacture pig feed.
Makiika Apollo
Emmanuel, in response to your question, there are many theories on the internet about making pig food. But most of these recipes are applicable to developed countries and are very expensive to African countries that are developing.
The pig can utilize wide variety of feed stuffs viz. Grains, forages, damaged feeds and garbage and convert them into valuable nutritious meat. Feeding of damaged grains, garbage and other home wastes reduce the stress of buying food stuffs hence spending less or no money on food.
I do pick egg shells from restaurants and hotels, fry them and crush them, mix them in the maize and rice brand. Eggshells add calcium to the pig. I also mix in fried soya bean four for proteins.
another recipe is collecting banana peelings, boil them and add molasses. Its a great meal for pigs. In six months a pig is ready for EATING.
I have studied different methods of making pig food but the most appealing methods that are cheap and can be processed with our local foods are found in South Korea and Philippines.
I will share with you more methods that am learning. Apollo.
Hello Apollo. i have recently started rearing pigs. i have started with two sows, one will be delivering in two months time. I would also request for a copy of the PP slides you use during your training programs. My email address is benjioel [at] gmail.com
Makiika Apollo
Hello Ben ,
Thank you for communicating with me. Check your email for details.
Cynthia mukwamiri
Greetings lm a lady who took over my parents pigs and would like to rear them for selling l however have little infomation on how to rear them . I would appreciate if l can have something to read for guideline. Im in Zimbabwe- Cynthia
Cynthia mukwamiri
My email add is [email protected]
Hi Makiika Apollo i have been doing my research on pig farming for almost a year and am officially starting the business give me some few tips you got om health practices, feeding program ( diy feeds), and other day to day activities and not forgetting expected challenges i might face from now. Thank you.
prisca chinga
how can i make cheap pig feed. please help!
Patrick chiwara
I have 6 pigs i want to grow bigger in pig industry what can i do i 'm doing the project in Gutu
I would like to rear pigs for selling l however have little infomation on how to rear them . I would appreciate if l can have something to read for guideline. Im in South Africa, Port Elizabeth
Please Apollo am Ronny in kakiri uganda please can you kindly send me the pp you use in your traing so as i improve my pig producation. I have hens rrabbits and Pigs ( [email protected]) thanks plz
Mxolisi Hlatshwayo
Hi Apollo
I'm a young energetic gentleman who has all the ability to start the pig rearing project at a domestic level but later to a commercial level. Can u also send me the copy of your training pp. My email is [email protected]
Cynthia Mukwamiri
Hie Apollo l requested for your power point presentation on pig rearing lm stil waiting my email add is [email protected]
musoke robert bulega
Hi,am in Uganda.I started keeping pigs but I would like to show me how I can construct those houses for the pigs.thanks.
Hi Apollo l requested for your power point
presentation on pig rearing lm stil waiting
my email id is. [email protected]
Ann silgram
Hi I have two pigs( sow's ) I went to them and found they are stiff in all legs, I lifted one back leg and it felt warm but not tender, they have access to out side but I have stopped them going in the mud (it has been raining for a while) and they have good shelter have you eny ideas what I can do, its been a few days now and getting a bit worried. I have two pigs and a few chicken's, could they have got something of the chicken's?
Ann, please phone your vet. If your animals are exhibiting any sort of discomfort or abnormal behaviour that you can't explain the only way to get a definitive answer is to get a professional to examine them.
l'd love to learn more
Moses Tampuori
Hi Apollo, I am very impress at your optimism to assist pig farmers. I have the zeal of venturing into it and I would like you to email me the PowerPoint presentation you normally use in training farmers. my email is [email protected].
I'm very grateful because have learn a lot here.thanks
Am kabili and i wish to start apiggery/pig keeping but where i want to start it is very far away from ma working place how can i manage this project pliz i need your advise
Apollo please send the pp presentation. My email is [email protected]
I would also want 2 start rearing pig but am green about it .so please master Apollo could u please help me with that power point presentation ma e.mail is. simpyson5@gmail. com thank u
Marianne Pangan
So happy to search this account...Hi everyone!raising pigs seems to be the common livelihood given to Super Typhoon Haiyan Victims,and we have two right now and starting to like it and continue raising more,i just find it amazing much more that I have references all about pigs...How i also wish to have Makiika Apollo PPT presentations for me to be able to share to someone like me who are new and interested in raising pigs.
Sarag Nassozi
This site has encouraged me I have been keeping pigs on and off> Currently I have 15 pigs of different ages. I would like to receive Makiika Apollo PPT presentations. Iam now thinking of fencing my Eucalyptus forest and keeping pigs there free range. Will it be viable? Thank you.
just visted the site, im also a small holder pig farmer from South Africa hoping to be commercial in the next 2 years, i have 28 pigs of various sex and size that i bought from the auction, i want to grow them to a market related weight of porkers and sell them, then start a breeding program next year, but ive noticed some suffer from various ailments coughing, lossing appetite, diarhia and blotting, so far ive lost 5 pigs to death, i feed them veges and fruits mixed with soya and feed concentrate is it because of diet or what, can i also have a copy of your Power point presentation
Ahadi Johnson
Hello Sir..
Please share with me that presentation am real intending to starts pig rearing Sir Appolo. My email [email protected]
Lawrrence Kazibwe
I want to get the best and cheap feeds for my pigs.Thx. T d
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Namuddu Agnes
Wednesday 7 August, 2013 at 5:44pm