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Displaying 31 to 40 of 109 results for 💥 Oral Ivermectin For Fleas ☑️ ☑️ Ivermectin Worms 👨‍💻 Heartworm Treatment Ivermectin - Ivermectin For Guinea Pig Mites


Transporting and handling cattle

About transporting cattle, cattle handling systems, and halter training cattle.…

ArticleLivestock / CattleWednesday 23 January, 2013


Caring for grassland

If you have a property with existing grassland, in almost all cases, it is better to maintain or improve it by on-going …

ArticleSmallholding / Grassland managementWednesday 21 December, 2011


Potato problems

Potatoes are susceptible to a few serious, and a number of minor, pests and diseases that can affect yield and quality.…

ArticleVegetables / GrowingWednesday 29 January, 2014


The Earth Moved

I've just finished reading Amy Stewart's excellent 'The Earth Moved: On the Remarkable Achievements of Earthworms'. It's not as specialist a read as it might sound from the title -…

DiarySmallholding / CompostingSunday 7 March, 2004


Soil for potatoes

Potatoes like a rich soil so use plenty of manure or other organic matter. They also like an acid soil so don’t lime b…

ArticleVegetables / GrowingWednesday 29 January, 2014


Starting with sheep

An overview of everything you need to know when thinking about keeping sheep for the first time.…

ArticleLivestock / SheepSaturday 10 September, 2011


Pig Health and Wellbeing

As with all animals (and folk), it’s better to prevent illness, disease and accidents with your pigs than cure them.…

ArticleLivestock / PigsTuesday 30 August, 2011


Feet and foot trimming

A sheep that is lame will not thrive as well as one that is sound so foot health in sheep is an important welfare issue.…

ArticleLivestock / SheepMonday 18 March, 2013


1,000 new charges

Today we became responsible for another 1,000 or so lives. Yes, our worms arrived from Worms Direct, in a big white bucket with 'Live Worms' pasted on the side. The…

DiarySmallholding / CompostingTuesday 3 February, 2004


Poultry Food & Drink

Giving your hens the right food and drink is essential to health and productivity.…

ArticleLivestock / PoultryThursday 8 September, 2011

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