THats good.......give him a hot water bottle covered in something fluffy and not too hot, he will feel more comforted when you are not cuddling him....
Already have HGL. The litter had a fluffy hot water bottle under the covers in their box right from the start and as soon as we were left with only Mouse he was given a little toy companion - a 5 inch purple hippo!!
He also has a small wheat bag, which we heat in the microwave, wrapped in a fluffy sock to snuggle against and this is about the same size as him so his sleep nest isn't lonely for him. He's not going to know whether he is a human, hippo or sock when he grows up!
Must have accidentally turned off my alarm for 2.30 night feed last night and woke in a panic at 3.30. Phew! he was still fast asleep himself. Woke him to feed him and then he wouldn't go back to sleep for another hour. He was climbing, mewing, purring. Had to leave him to drop off himself as if I'd snuggled him on me I may have fallen back to sleep and squashed him.
We can now see beautiful blue eyes as he started to open them late yesterday though still squinting through them.
All good so far but still keeping those fingers crossed