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Author Topic: Why are my dogs so needy of me?  (Read 19197 times)


  • Joined Jan 2012
Why are my dogs so needy of me?
« on: December 31, 2012, 10:21:56 pm »
Hi, just recently my 2, three year old Labs keep crying when they see or hear me, they live in a very cosy lean too, it even has heat and the house where I am has no heating on in the day so its cooooolllld. I must add, I hardly leave them, I take them out for at least an hour and a half each day and am in and out the house all the time, the freezers and laundry is near to them so they are never alone, I think they are OK when I am not around.
My Yellow lab has always been a bit nervy  but is excellent as a gun dog, none of them mind bangs or gun fire and all are wonderful at retrieves YET, when I go out she sticks to me like glue when other people are around and when at home she scratches to get to me, when we have a sleep in until around 8 she pulls the wires to the Ariel to get us up.
I want some honest and genuine advice as to how to stop them being so needy, the older female is not at all a problem but the younger ones would be at my side 24/7 if they could and they do everything I say!!


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Re: Why are my dogs so needy of me?
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2013, 03:06:39 pm »
It sounds counter-intuitiuve, I know, but the advice I was given was to ignore them more.  It worked too.

Firstly, get out of the habit of chattering to them every time you pass.  (How did I know you do that?  ;)
Secondly, never pet them when they come up whinging for fuss.  Only pet them when they sit or stand quietly at a respectful distance.  They'll learn pretty quick if you're consistent.
Thirdly, try to encourage them to have 'dog time', time when they act like dogs, interacting with other dogs, and not looking to you for instruction or approval. 

Of course have time when you do play with them, talk to them and fuss them - but make those times specific, not all the time.

The other thing I was taught and have used ever since was a release word.  I use the word 'Relax.'  'Relax' means, 'You are no longer being controlled by me, you are free to do as you please.'   Once 'relaxed', ignore the dog until you choose to spend some time with it.
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  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: Why are my dogs so needy of me?
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2013, 04:27:27 pm »
Just what I thought. I do talk to my dogs a locked and they understand every word I say well just about I tried to make a great for when I've been out because I know that can cause them to be overexcited, But times like when I'm going for a walk my yellow lab Gets frantic, I will ignore how now rather than telling her to calm down.......they had some toys for Christmas & my yellow lab rant icily walkers around with them but only inside....I did wonder if she is crying for them sometimes, my ores are very yellow lab is much more highly strung....that "free time " bit I do but I say something less polite...." Go on then...P off" and they do...Sometimes it's easier to see where others are going wrong and you are spot on.........I made them needy :innocent:   THANKS

in the hills

  • Joined Feb 2012
Re: Why are my dogs so needy of me?
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2013, 04:30:51 pm »
As SITN says.

Maybe if they are in a position where you appear briefly eg. to the freezers and then disappear they are a bit confused and think you are appearing to deal with them and are expecting their walk, dinner or whatever and then you say a few words and go. Perhaps ignore them and don't eye or speak to them at these times.

I use the word "play" to mean ..... your time, off you go.

Only other thing is maybe more exercise/work/training to satisfy them.

Sorry Happygolucky .....cross posted with you.


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Re: Why are my dogs so needy of me?
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2013, 05:07:14 pm »
Is the younger one entire?

Red Dog would get stupidly clingy in the run up to her season, peeping and whining 24 hours a day it seemed!
She is still happiest when snuggled up close, but is chilled out now she is spayed!
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Re: Why are my dogs so needy of me?
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2013, 05:24:11 pm »
Maybe they think they are Brittanys - they leap about all the time until given the release - it's the working heritage.  ::)  But mine do go and chill out when told to. Only talk to them when you want them to do something or some for a cuddle.  They'll get the message and you aren't neglecting them by doing that.

Rohan has a working father and although she isn't worked much herself (not sure if she ever has been as I remember you said she went out with your son-in-law once I think), the blood is hot.  Perhaps you need to cut down their protein/fat intake.   ???

My Brits have to be kept at 18% and low fat to keep them steady, and the two younger ones are shot over a number of times in the season, as well as training on hunting and retrieving every day. Intake is stepped up a bit on a hard working day.
There could be something in what Colliewoman says so if she isn't already it might be an idea to have her spayed especially as you aren't breeding from her.  But that is expensive - just had Belle done and it was about £200.
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: Why are my dogs so needy of me?
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2013, 05:42:37 pm »
Could be hormones too, it's not the expense, we paid a lot less than £200 but did not want them done at the same time and we need her to come into season then 2 mths after she can have the op, so due to come into season, Islay used to be clingy pre season but not so hyper..bitches tend to be emotional when in us women.....Rohan is still like a pup.........Charlie (stud dogs owner) says she is just like her dad......he recognised the fact that she did not want or feel free to run around but rather stop with me.....although on a training day she is brilliant, pickes up and no messing...we find Rhum the exact opposite....although she too is great at picking up.....they All are going to work.....they all get a lot of excessive too......


  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: Why are my dogs so needy of me?
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2013, 06:06:29 pm »
It's been ages since she was in season.....almost a year.......I suppose being around her mum makes her less mature........ours also get practice most days.......not when it's icy......

I will interact less when in and out the house, that's a good idea as Steve only fusses them on his terms and he leaves them alone, and Sally...I do chat to them on walks, all I have to do is say"no, don 't do that and they will not,".They also do and are allowed to run free as well on walks, we have a good routine, they run off on thier own first, then I tell them where to go, and if dogs or people on bikes are around I call them in but when we decided to turn around, they all will walk to heel.........its like majic...
Collie women, I also think its hormones, she caries the toy a lot at the moment, my daughters female used to carry a plastic sausage around when in the run up to her season........
And not too sure lof lowering the protein level, the currently have Dr Johns Gold and seen fine on that.....
Anyway, her sisters are visiting tomorrow.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 06:19:57 pm by happygolucky »

in the hills

  • Joined Feb 2012
Re: Why are my dogs so needy of me?
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2013, 06:17:51 pm »
Well Happygolucky, they are all different, just like people and maybe she is just like that, some are. If the behaviour is just before she comes into season then neutering may help but not necessarily .... not if she constantly shows that behaviour. My Flattie is slightly obsessed with me and is definitely my dog, though never in an aggressive way. In fact he loves all people and dogs too much  ::) . I trained him so I suppose he sees me as pack leader and wants to be near me if possible. Sometimes I do have to tell him that enough is enough and make him go and lie quietly away from me. I am still in touch with his breeder and she has told me that his brother has become quite possessive with his owner  (not her but his new owner)  .... to the point of showing aggression to other people who approach him. There is obviously a slightly obsessive trait in their line and maybe it is something like this with your younger girl.


  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: Why are my dogs so needy of me?
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2013, 06:27:20 pm »
in the hills, as she is a pup I delivered and slept next to for the first few weeks, yes she is my baby!! not shown any aggression but thats what i want to avoid...I better break the behaviour first. Steve, my husband sometimes take them out on his own when he is not at work and I think thats good, if I am around and go back to the car they all come running back to me.......They are all different charactors indeed......My chocolate Lab watches my every move but is less needy....but she does try to wake us up if we ever sleep in, it was funny to see her pull the ariel wire to bag in on our bedroom window.......
I practive retrieves now with all three as Rohan always gets the dummy so Rhum runs to catch her but cannot so then I throw in a ball, I get the dummy back in my hand from Rohan then throw another dummy for Islay, she does not always bring it directly but she has not really been trained to, then I always get the  ball back from Rhum...they are funny to watch and very very keen!!
On walks Rhum will bring me any dead thing, even stiff frogs, once I was collecting pine cones and she took one look at me and started collecting them too...I now carry a plastic bag to get my often rotten pressies from her!!
All so different!!


  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: Why are my dogs so needy of me?
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2013, 06:54:25 pm »
 :roflanim:  some of the above posts have been written and auto corrected on my I Pad while I was watching Come dine with me and eating my tea so whoppps!!
hope you all get the idea of what I am on about! ;)

in the hills

  • Joined Feb 2012
Re: Why are my dogs so needy of me?
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2013, 07:09:57 pm »
My OH has always walked Alf .... often more so than me when the children were younger .... still my dog ... I think it's the training that matters. Your OH could do some obedience with her if he is that way inclined it may help. You could try upping their obedience .... that may help too. Can you sit all three together, give stay command and then call dogs to you individually? Clingy one must wait her turn, just like the others. That type of obedience may change her relationship with you a little and the fact that it will reinforce your position as pack leader as well as "mum" would probably help prevent her clinginess developing into any aggression .... if you are a bit concerned that it might become a problem.


  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: Why are my dogs so needy of me?
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2013, 07:47:35 pm »
I have never called them individualy.....never thought of that........I will give that a try......while doing this she has come to shuv her toy in my face 2's but I have ignored's harder to train them all together but we will give that a try......the all sit and stay.........I do,call them inside one at a time if I need to, when Islay had her op I could say "just Islay" and the others would not attempt to come in, same with the others, I can ad do use their names and they know........I must however break the apron strings........even when they are running free, after a while Rohan runs back to touch my hand.....


  • Joined Nov 2008
Re: Why are my dogs so needy of me?
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2013, 07:51:15 pm »
I find that while I am at home during the day with my dogs they chill out when I do without me having to say anything but when OH comes home in the evening the pair of them cannot not relax. They are up and down the whole evening. I tell him its because he fusses them to much.


  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: Why are my dogs so needy of me?
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2013, 07:54:05 pm »
That sounds the reverse to our situation Sabrina


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