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Author Topic: the news today.  (Read 14621 times)


  • Joined Aug 2012
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Re: the news today.
« Reply #30 on: April 03, 2012, 07:54:41 pm »
I suspect a lot of the folk hit by the phone tapping in the Leveson inquiry didn't think they were of sufficient interest to warrant illegal phone-tapping either.

If records are kept, someone will abuse them.

At least as things stand now, someone has to have reasonable cause to suspect you're up to no good before they can invade your privacy in this way.


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Re: the news today.
« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2012, 07:55:08 pm »
Frankly, if you have nothing to hide it will not make any difference, no-one is going to go poking through your emails and phone calls unless they suspect something serious, like drug trafficking or terrorism. If someone is involved and that now means we can actually get enough evidence on file from historical records to put them away, i aint that bothered.

if your happy with it, fine, dont sign the petition!!! keep paying your taxes and be happy. :thumbsup:


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Re: the news today.
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2012, 08:05:20 pm »
look, the difference is that everyone is to be monitored and recorded JUST in CASE they do something wrong.  its an automatic presumption of guilt. our law says innocent until proven guilty

why are there only 3 countries in the world that have this law? china iran and the 3rd ive forgotten ::).


  • Joined Nov 2011
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Re: the news today.
« Reply #33 on: April 03, 2012, 08:13:32 pm »
Did you know that ISP scan e-mails. Essentially if they recognise a key word or phrase that matches you as a potential customer of ---- you will have an ad appear on your log on page. eg. " I Luv Cup cakes" - you get cup cake ads. I think it was Orange who spilled the beans but it happens.

Also - Your purchasing pattern is logged by your "loyalty card". True example - If Tesco sees that you stop buying ladies sanitary stuff and your age matches then they target you as a potential mum with "offers and vouchers" etc.

So yes we are already tracked but I agree if I am not asking " How can I make a bomb" then no problem. THIS IS A TEST - if I get raided by ant- terrorist police and you never hear from me again then you will know that France monitors internet chat.  Bye - send cake and a file.
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Re: the news today.
« Reply #34 on: April 03, 2012, 08:31:48 pm »
look, the difference is that everyone is to be monitored and recorded JUST in CASE they do something wrong.  its an automatic presumption of guilt. our law says innocent until proven guilty

why are there only 3 countries in the world that have this law? china iran and the 3rd ive forgotten ::).

But thats not right, no country possibly has the manpower to monitor everyone like that.

It is being recorded just in case...I dont really see the problem with that, I really dont. If you work in financial services then you will know everything has to be kept on file for 6 years after the customer closes their account for money laundering purposes, 'just in case'. But if you are not money laundering, who cares?

I can see that things are said and could be taken out of context and used agaainst a person as part of circumstantial evidence potentially - but thats what a lawyer is for really. There are currently massive problems for the police in convicting people that they know are planning terrorist activity here, I think we have to accept that this is the society we have created for ourselves and address it, not pretend or wish that this is not the case.
As has been said it is a bit late to worry about privacy now, every mobile phone can be tracked, all your shopping is tracked, all your emails can be monitored in real time and your web history accessed as computers keep all sorts of copies of things hidden away if you know how to unlock it all...


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Re: the news today.
« Reply #35 on: April 03, 2012, 08:40:34 pm »
im not sure which is worse, the bill or peoples ambivalence.
slowly, every human right you thought you had is being removed.
i hope that you at least question why.


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Re: the news today.
« Reply #36 on: April 03, 2012, 08:50:32 pm »
I think I know why, my uncle is old bill, it is for the reasons I have stated. I am NOT saying its a good thing, just that is how it is, as best I understand it. They cannot convict those plotting to blow up innocent members of the public atm (or very rarely) and thats why the Bill is going to Parliament. I am no expert and have not looked in detail, I shall do so before making any more comments  :thumbsup:


  • Joined Jul 2011
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Re: the news today.
« Reply #37 on: April 03, 2012, 09:06:49 pm »
Dave have you watched 'zeightgeist?' If not, yell and I'll post it to you. you will either the copy it (no copyright, spread the word) and send it on to someone else, or spend the rest of your days rocking backwards and forwards under a table somewhere.
I watched, was horrified then researched and was even more horrified!
Let me know! I only have enough discs to make one copy, but if anyone else wants to watch perhaps we can round robin the set of discs?

We'll turn the dust to soil,
Turn the rust of hate back into passion.
It's not water into wine
But it's here, and it's happening.
but passive.

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Re: the news today.
« Reply #38 on: April 03, 2012, 09:10:56 pm »
I think I know why, my uncle is old bill, it is for the reasons I have stated. I am NOT saying its a good thing, just that is how it is, as best I understand it. They cannot convict those plotting to blow up innocent members of the public atm (or very rarely) and thats why the Bill is going to Parliament. I am no expert and have not looked in detail, I shall do so before making any more comments  :thumbsup:
good!! i see the need for protection for the queens jubilee (hurrah long live the queen) and the olympics, but that issue really is one of funding for proper surveillance and evidence gathering rather than one of a blanket law that affects the whole populace, its like saying that to stop a terrorist attack we need to lock everyone up!! a bit extreme i know but you see my point, i hope.


  • Joined Oct 2009
« Reply #39 on: April 03, 2012, 09:13:50 pm »
   one who is the property of , and bound to obedience to annther ; one who is entirely under the influence , control of another person/government.
  The true slave is not a person who has been shackled , beaten ,tortured , made to comply under threat of death , for as long as he/she has the spirit of rebellion against injustice and tyranny, and seeks freedom , he/she cannot be owned/imprisoned fully .
 The true slave will in fact fight and even die to maintain the corrupt establishment that enslaves them , ( remember the Hitler youth ? ) .
  The true slave will mock , ridicule and finally attack ! , 'any' , that stand against the system ( slavery !) , Hitler youth again .
 The true slave will accept , justify , even fight for the currupt laws ? The powers that be impose in the name of , anti terrorism , or for the sačty of the people ( slaves/sheeple ) .
 The true slave fears the free independent individual , who stands against the tyranny of tptb , as do tptb , because that free individual is beyond the control/slavery of tptb and is thus , just by being , a threat to their corrupt system .
 I am one such  free independent individual , and will always be so .
 I will die rather than give  my freedom to the corrupt rulers of my country , and to those that mock , ridicule and attack me for my freedom , i will meet you on the battlefield and fight to the death , soon !

Cheers Russ
( a free , independent individual , never a slave ! )


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Re: the news today.
« Reply #40 on: April 03, 2012, 09:16:54 pm »
Dave have you watched 'zeightgeist?' If not, yell and I'll post it to you. you will either the copy it (no copyright, spread the word) and send it on to someone else, or spend the rest of your days rocking backwards and forwards under a table somewhere.
I watched, was horrified then researched and was even more horrified!
Let me know! I only have enough discs to make one copy, but if anyone else wants to watch perhaps we can round robin the set of discs?

i havent seen that but have heard lots about it, theres so much illuminatid web conspiracy that i decided not to, much prefering to flag up the slide as it happens..... it gets easier the more obvious it gets!


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Re: the news today.
« Reply #41 on: April 03, 2012, 09:20:10 pm »
yay russ!!!!!

see im just a pussy wid yall :D

Berkshire Boy

  • Joined May 2011
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Re: the news today.
« Reply #42 on: April 03, 2012, 11:06:28 pm »
If all our rights are being eroded what exactly can't you do today that you could do say 15 years ago. ???
Everyone makes mistakes as the Dalek said climbing off the dustbin.

Small Farmer

  • Joined Jan 2012
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Re: the news today.
« Reply #43 on: April 03, 2012, 11:41:18 pm »
Just to add a discordant note I live near terror central, or Luton as it's otherwise known.  There's a lot of bad stuff going on and I like the idea that someone's listening and trying to catch the b*ggers.  A friend of mine helps the police do forensic analysis of paedophile computers.  Thats an invasion of privacy, but it is necessary to prevent evil. 

GCHQ has been listening to this stuff for years.  Privacy has been an illusion for a long time: the number of CCTV cameras reading number plates and now running face recognition software is vast. 

Better there's a proper process for snooping with some independent overseer than we leave it to Rupert Murdoch and his reptilian friends.
Being certain just means you haven't got all the facts


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Re: the news today.
« Reply #44 on: April 04, 2012, 08:58:11 am »
I have never had a store loyalty card as I know they  used the information as to what I buy and thats one way I stop some info being gained, but you do not have to be a psychic or cleravoiant to find out a lot about some people, info is all over the place, hate that when you buy something they ask your address. Letters are not always safe either, I remember having several letters they did not look like bills ripped in the same place to expose some of the details, at that time post also went missing, there was a postman found to be stealing stuff but this was seperate, I became very suspiciouse as my ex's then girl friend was a post women!!!   I think they target social networks more as thats where meetings are organised, those spam E mails are getting clever as they can also use names that are familiar to tip given to me was to spell my name slightly differently on some things, say add an E or middle name or add another middle name, that way you can trace who has passed your details on.. Like a lot have said, its gone on for years but now its going to be legal and we are going to know about it.....we ARE all going to be criminals......

I wonder if any action would be taken if you posted something like this on FB the way, nothing at all that I do!!

" I went through a red light this morning but as it was early I was doing 50 anyway in a 30 zone, I stopped and had my packed lunch and the wind blew all my rubbish over the road so I did not stop to pick it up, then went to work and could not be bothered to fill in some confidential forms last night and lock them away, I took them home with me instead along with a big wod of paper for the kids to draw on and some pens that there were loads of in the cupboard etc etc etc......


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