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Author Topic: What's on your Christmas list?  (Read 14676 times)


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What's on your Christmas list?
« on: December 03, 2008, 09:05:50 pm »
Come on, it's that time again. So what's on YOUR Christmas list?


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Re: What's on your Christmas list?
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2008, 10:03:42 pm »
We  are all a bit short of money at the moment so anything is great but if I could have a wish for something materialistic it would be a Landrover defender either Dark Blue or Green, good engine and body work but not too posh so I can treat it rough, otherwise, I could do with some bits for the garden and would love a gavanised chicken feeder trough and drinker and maybe a better shed, hang on, now I can think of loads of stuff but thats greedy.....I hope to get a nice fun time with my family. Happy Christmas from Sandy


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Re: What's on your Christmas list?
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2008, 11:41:33 pm »
Well, at long last I will be able to spend Christmas with both my kids for the first time since my daughter was married 13 years ago.  So anything else is a bonus.  But .....................

DS Brain trainer

Somebody to wave a magic wand to get the Club books finished in time for audit

ditto Choir Gift Aid

ditto my Christmas cards in time for posting

ditto my Christmas presents for everyone else.

and lastly a lesson on how to cook a turkey as I'll be doing it for the first time ever this year (always done by my Mum or Grandma, or we went out, or had caterers in before)

Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


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Re: What's on your Christmas list?
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2008, 06:40:09 am »
Piglet proof steel toe capped wellington boots.  (Hilary stood on my foot).


  • Joined Jul 2008
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Re: What's on your Christmas list?
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2008, 08:56:17 am »
If there is a Fairy Godmother out there who can wave her magic wand for me, ideally just over a couple of things for me, I am not really greedy.
For Christmas I would like to see my 3 daughters & co and especially my 2 1/2 year old grandson, but if thats not possible I would like my drainage path finished at the side of my veggie garden, the paths finished in my veggie garden, the  bed dug over for my Quince trees ready to go in, the patio at the other side of my front door built etc to match the one under the dining room window, the log store tin sheeting painted so we cannot see the rust, the drainage path at the back of the house so that does not get too flooded.
But if thats not possible I would just like to spend the day with my hubby in the front of the open fire in the lounge enjoying ourselves on  our own, we tend to play rude games with Scrabble and the forfeits if you loose, well I will leave that to your imagination!!! (We don't watch too much TV at Xmas) Like everyone else on this site we still have animals to look after as well.
Oh by the way I am working Christmas morning so I won't be home till 2pm ish, I work in the kitchen in a nursing home and I have to cook them their dinner first before I get home to do mine, and I am working Boxing afternoon as well. It's a nuisence when your working days are Thursday & Friday.

Always look on the bright side of life, de dum, de dum de dum, de dum!!


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Re: What's on your Christmas list?
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2008, 09:14:58 am »
After reading all the other posts I got to thinking, ever since I had my first child 34 years ago, I have always cooked Christmas dinner, last year was a joint effort with in laws and family but I did my bit then the previouse year I went to my family in England and stayed with my partner in my Ex Husbands house and ended up cooking ALL the christmas dinner. starring a home grown Turkey for :-my three daughters, their partners, their children, my Ex and his partner and of course my partner..a very strange feeling to be back in my marital home cooking for everyone and NOT arguing with my Ex, especialy after 14 years!!!!! This year I am there again but I think my daughter and son in law are in charge of the food, I will help and my Ex;s partner will be off on her holidays somewhere hot!!!!



  • Joined Oct 2008
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Re: What's on your Christmas list?
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2008, 09:34:36 am »
A long lie in!! I hate getting up in the dark!

And a break in the rain during the Christmas period, just so we can attend to the animals and we all stay dry, including them.

My needs are few, but if I get those two things, I really will have a Happy Christmas!!

I am going over to UK the weekend before Christmas to see my two Grandsons and my daughters, so that will be the icing on my Christmas cake for me.  Just Perfect!!

Kate  :pig:
Bonjour et avoir un bon jour !


  • Joined Jul 2008
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Re: What's on your Christmas list?
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2008, 11:21:03 am »
My hubby and I (sounds like the Queens speech), we have said that we can only afford to spend around £25-30 on each other this year, we have had a bad year, we had a funeral to pay for and my dear (not) brother in law left us in debt by taking Stuarts identity before he took his own life. This has left us up S**t creek without a paddle so to speak.  I have made all my family homemade hampers this year with biscuits etc in them.  I have bought Harrison a toy and books etc that is the only gift so far.  I have made my own Xmas pud and cake and mincemeat this year, the first time ever, the mince tastes lovely. I also made my neighbour a Xmas pud and cake and he loves my homemeade fruit loaf, so I will make him one as well. He has been really helpful to us as he is a builder renovating the steading next to our farmhouse, so a little gift like that means all the world to him as he is on his own.
I generally hate New Years eve (as I actually feel older then than on my Birthday, sounds daft doesn't it) but this year I am actually looking forward to it so I can put 2008 behind me and look forward to a better one next year, plus also part of my family are coming up for a few days, weather pending and it will be lovely to see them so we can all put 2008 behind us.
Any one else looking forward to saying Good Bye to 2008????

Always look on the bright side of life, de dum, de dum de dum, de dum!!


  • Joined Jan 2008
Re: What's on your Christmas list?
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2008, 03:42:06 pm »
.....didn't you get the email?  Christmas is cancelled this year due to lack of interest!!!

But,if I have to say what I want,it would be enough Calvados brandy to keep me in a drink induced coma for two weeks,and to wake up when it's all over and done with and I can look forward to buying Easter Eggs.
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Re: What's on your Christmas list?
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2008, 08:49:31 pm »
I have made all my family homemade hampers this year with biscuits etc in them.  I have bought Harrison a toy and books etc that is the only gift so far.  I have made my own Xmas pud and cake and mincemeat this year, the first time ever, the mince tastes lovely. I also made my neighbour a Xmas pud and cake and he loves my homemeade fruit loaf, so I will make him one as well. He has been really helpful to us as he is a builder renovating the steading next to our farmhouse, so a little gift like that means all the world to him as he is on his own.

I think your friends and family are really lucky - the most precious thing you can give is your time.  Money and bought gifts can be given by anyone who has it but only you can give your time - by making all these lovely foods and making up the hampers.  I would be delighted to receive something like that.  I hope our local smallholdersd enjoy the cake I am bringing to the AGM next week ;)
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


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Re: What's on your Christmas list?
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2008, 08:51:29 pm »
.....didn't you get the email?  Christmas is cancelled this year due to lack of interest!!!

But,if I have to say what I want,it would be enough Calvados brandy to keep me in a drink induced coma for two weeks,and to wake up when it's all over and done with and I can look forward to buying Easter Eggs.

Come on Ree, don't  be a wet blanket - this is not a dress rehearsal, it's the real thing so make the best of it nd enjoy.  Happy Christmas from me anyway! ;D
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


  • Joined Apr 2008
Re: What's on your Christmas list?
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2008, 09:10:10 pm »
 :D Thank you Annie!  My Reee is a real hum-bug lol.  I am not expecting twinkle lights, a tree, or ought  :P Can you believe it? He is not even tempted by the ritual of making paper-chains  ;D  My suspicion is that he is either the troubled messiah, or a very naughty boy!! Oh, almost wishes are; to breath in the crisp Norman air, watch the drama of each sunset within the warmth from my most special fireplace and behind my kitchen window, then to gaze at the blanket of stars which follow.  To dress up warm (for me it includes having a resmeblance to the michelen man!!) and walk our doglets with the man whom I adore. To be quiet, removed from the hassles of the race in the UK, to listen to the wind in the trees and the nature that surrounds us. Mostly, my wish is to be close to the man i continually strive to love better. Ree, you are my unique, most sexilicious, beloved, and I am bound to you. 

Your lil' tornado x x x   :bee:
« Last Edit: December 04, 2008, 10:07:21 pm by carlysky1 »


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Re: What's on your Christmas list?
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2008, 10:01:30 pm »
A big hoooge cuddle from someone special... and I think my wish may come true!  ;)
A hug is for life, NOT just for Christmas!


  • Joined Apr 2008
Re: What's on your Christmas list?
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2008, 10:08:32 pm »
Awwww Scooby, so sincere, I really hope it does for you!


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Re: What's on your Christmas list?
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2008, 12:19:55 am »
Carly, I used to have a 'grumpy old man' too (well, actually two :() - that's the one thing I would wish for that I know I just can't have.  To have either one of them back. (in fact if they got on well together, both of them would be good to have back again ;) )You and Ree are very lucky, make the most of it. Happy Christmas
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


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