
Smokey does the hay deliveryRSS feed

Posted: Friday 6 January, 2012

by Rosemary at 5:26pm in Equines 2 comments Comments closed

Bugsy got a day off today, because Smokey did the hay delivery. In the absence of a klibber, I used his driving saddle and hooked the haynets over the rein terrets. It worked fine, except he's obviously lost weight and the girth was a wee bit slack, even in the tightest hole on both sides. It's webbing, so I'll make two new holes tomorrow.

He was very good - we had a bit of a trial run on Wednesday. He got his saddle on then I threw haynets round his legs and over his back, before hanging them on the saddle and moving him around a bit. He sometimes reaches back for a mouthful of hay - it's like a picnic.

The sheep were funny. When Bugsy takes out the hay, the sheep crowd round us, on both sides of the hayrack as we unload. After all, Bugsy's not that much bigger than them. Today, they lined up along the far side of the rack. Be interesting to see if they maintain a respectful distance or if familiarity will breed content.



Saturday 7 January, 2012 at 2:06pm

I'm very impressed that Smokey is so slimline!!

I think your sheep are pretty confident so I think that familiarity will soon show....


Monday 9 January, 2012 at 11:21am

I really have to copy this idea!! I keep my 4 horses on the 'Paddock Paradise' grazing system and it is a long way round when tramping round with 1/2 bale of hay......twice! The temptation is to drop larger mouthfuls of hay at the start of the track to lighten the load but the least muddy and most sheltered part is at the far end of the field.....I definitely think horsepower is in order - I may be able to do one trip with a whole bale! Thanks Rosemary.

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