Author Topic: Urgent FTGH  (Read 26484 times)


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Re: Urgent FTGH
« Reply #45 on: July 25, 2010, 06:56:46 pm »
Thanks for the mail I have mailed you back ;D


  • Joined Feb 2010
Re: Urgent FTGH
« Reply #46 on: July 28, 2010, 07:59:19 pm »
Hi I have been reading your post and I don't know if it will help but there is  and Act (The Allotments Act 1950), it overrides covenants etc and has recently helped many, many people to keep poultry when they had previously been told they couldn't (even by councils!). Cockerels are then subject to a Noise complaint and the council should then make the necessary arrangements to take noise level recordings, I take it this hasn't been done. A compromise than then be met by using a darkened Cockerel Box etc.

People like your neighbour really get on my nerves, our in-laws have a farm and their neighbour regularly complain, my responseis if you don't like it GO AWAY!

Just for your information there is an excerpt from the Act below:-

The Allotments Act 1950, Chapter 31, Section 12 states that regardless of clauses in leases/ tenancies/ covenants/ contracts or agreements to the contrary, the occupier of any land can keep hens and rabbits on it, for their own use, so long as they set up and maintain adequate housing and so long as they make sure that the hens/rabbits don't become a nuisance or pose a threat to health.

(Navigate to the Office of Public Sector Information website ( and search for Allotments Act 1950 to read the full text)

P.s - Are your Orpingtons Large Fowl or Bantams?. If they are Bantams I may be able to help.


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Re: Urgent FTGH
« Reply #47 on: July 29, 2010, 10:07:44 am »
Sorry they are large fowl, I used to only breed large fowl obviously that has to stop now as you need a cockeral to do that.

The allotment act doesn't help in this case but thankyou for trying. I have grazing rights for the chickens but the boys are subject to the noise act. He is now watching the sheep and  have had a visit from my neighbour who works for the RSPCA as they were reported as being neglected and in bad condition (3 have had flystrike and lost some wool around the back ends) She was more than pleased to report they were very healthy and needed no intervention as all step for there welfare had bee addressed and that they just looked a bit odd until the wool grows back.


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Re: Urgent FTGH
« Reply #48 on: July 29, 2010, 11:12:30 am »
He's really taking the pee now!  Why don't you ask him to offer a price for your property in exchange for not reporting him to the police for harassment
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


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Re: Urgent FTGH
« Reply #49 on: July 29, 2010, 12:47:26 pm »
How 'bout punching his lights shortage of volunteers I suspect!

Ian (me), Diane (my wife) and 4 dogs. Ollie (Lab mix) , Quest (Malamute), Gazer and Boris (Leonbergers)


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Re: Urgent FTGH
« Reply #50 on: July 29, 2010, 01:38:13 pm »
This might seem a little out there ... but have you tried inviting him round and perhaps offering him some produce... I found I was a very popular neighbour when there were surplus eggs lol .. he may be jealous or just a cantankerous old git lol... maybe try nice .. if that doesn't work I'm sure what he is doing watching you all the time is some sort of stalking LOL


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Re: Urgent FTGH
« Reply #51 on: July 29, 2010, 01:42:43 pm »
He would probably take the free eggs and cup of coffee offered, then go home and put a complaint in about selling eggs or something.  Sounds like he is just one of those people who enjoy complaining about others.  Maybe he did that in his last home, who knows.  But its not nice, is it?

I am just about to start looking for a new place, and after my experience a few year ago at out old house with horrible neighbours, I am paranoid about who I end up next to Thats why I am making an effort to find somewhere well away from anyone.


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Re: Urgent FTGH
« Reply #52 on: July 29, 2010, 01:50:20 pm »
LoL so true Roxy...

I was told that I could have a cockrel where I live (in the city) however if someone complained I would have to get rid of it. Check out the noise pollution laws thing, i think it goes the same for excessively barking dogs or something.. Just find out where you stand and what YOUR rights are :) at least that way your in a much stonger position. If his behaviour does continue to escalate then you may have cause to consider it harrasement. particularly if he is spying on you all the time ... I don't know much about the legal stuff most of the people who live around me are old people and find my antics of poultry and urban smallholding quite entertaining I think lol.

I wish you all the best and although it might seem hair pullingly frustrating at times just know that we are all behind you !



  • Joined Apr 2010
Re: Urgent FTGH
« Reply #53 on: July 29, 2010, 05:49:31 pm »
Maybe try the Citizens Advice Bureau. They often have solicitors who volunteer - a solicitor may come up with something w ehaven't thought of  :chook: Good Luck & keep your chin up.


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Re: Urgent FTGH
« Reply #54 on: July 29, 2010, 06:29:26 pm »
I am fine with it all and not stressing as much.

He is married with no children and no pets (that is how he introduced himself to the people in the village), he is also a lot older than me so I have come up with something that I think of everytime it gets to me - He is older than me so all the stress may just kill him so how do I teach sheep to have a midnight rave?


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Re: Urgent FTGH
« Reply #55 on: July 29, 2010, 06:34:37 pm »
I best not say exactly what I would do , but he would be incapable of spying on me 'from a hospital room'!!! . The law is a total ass these days and you seem to get nowhere when people like him target you . I just do things the old way ... have a quiet word and then when that doesn't work , kick the crap out of them ... It may be that I may end up with a slap on the wrist from pc plod , but matey next door gets a free holiday ,in hospital !!! he also gets to suck his food through a straw for a month or so ...
 I know that this is a bad thing to do ... but I have had this sort of crap from people myself , they soon change tack after a little slap or two ( mind you size 9 steel toe caps work well too ) .. not saying you should do , or get done , what I would do , but no way will bastards like him ruin my life  . Even if I ended up doing time over it , I would walk out of nick fairly soon  ... but he would come out of hospital in a chair with wheels .....and would need someone to feed him his food forever more .....  :o ;D ;D ;D  I am really a quiet person and cause no body any harm , nor would I interfere with others way of life .... unless !!!  they stick their nose in my life , then  .....SHTF ....muck spreader style...




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Re: Urgent FTGH
« Reply #56 on: July 29, 2010, 08:51:56 pm »
I could always come around in uniform and say that we're looking for emergency helicopter landing sites but it would be unsuitable due to the animals you keep on your land.  I'd pop around to his first and see if he has any objections to that, I'll say that I'd already been around to yours and that you have no objections as you're getting rid of your livestock due to objections over you keeping them... Could work?


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Re: Urgent FTGH
« Reply #57 on: July 29, 2010, 09:17:55 pm »
Darn it I thought you lot were looking for landing sites most nights and some days I got thrown of a horse when one copter come over a little bit low the other week, I am really surprised he hasn't complained about the night exercises yet as he under the misguided illusion that he countryside is silent at all times.
One thing I would to know why my radio alarm switches on some nights when the copters come over.

You are quite welcome to use the back field just warn me and I'll move the horse that would annoy him hehehe

little blue

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Re: Urgent FTGH
« Reply #58 on: July 29, 2010, 09:57:55 pm »
ellisr... is it a genuine offer , or just the mention of a man in uniform?!  ;)    :)
Little Blue


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Re: Urgent FTGH
« Reply #59 on: July 29, 2010, 11:32:23 pm »
Russ, I like your style!  ;)

Ian (me), Diane (my wife) and 4 dogs. Ollie (Lab mix) , Quest (Malamute), Gazer and Boris (Leonbergers)


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