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Author Topic: Feeding Tup Lambs  (Read 25934 times)

Tim W

  • Joined Aug 2013
Re: Feeding Tup Lambs
« Reply #45 on: November 19, 2014, 10:28:19 pm »
Aww, I'm so disappointed! I thought 20kg lambs were on the cards!

If i breed a ram guaranteed to produce 20kg lambs then you have to promise to use him on all your ewes (and pay me lots of money of course)


  • Joined Feb 2011
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Re: Feeding Tup Lambs
« Reply #46 on: November 20, 2014, 01:36:42 am »
I'm sure I'm not the only one would pay money for a tup that throws teeny tiny lambs that grow like stink  :)

I've had too many vet interventions with monster lambs to wish that on any of my girls.  (Not many, but any is too many.)
Don't listen to the money men - they know the price of everything and the value of nothing

Live in a cohousing community with small farm for our own use.  Dairy cows (rearing their own calves for beef), pigs, sheep for meat and fleece, ducks and hens for eggs, veg and fruit growing

Tim W

  • Joined Aug 2013
Re: Feeding Tup Lambs
« Reply #47 on: November 20, 2014, 07:31:55 am »
I'm sure I'm not the only one would pay money for a tup that throws teeny tiny lambs that grow like stink  :)

I've had too many vet interventions with monster lambs to wish that on any of my girls.  (Not many, but any is too many.)

That's the general aim of good breeders
As far as I remember (without looking up the paper) optimum survival rates in commercial ewes are 3 to 5kg ---any lower and hypothermia risks rise, and higher and lambing risks rise dramatically
Obviously varies with ewe size & type
Ewe and lamb shape also has a large effect on lamb survival. Wedge shaped lamb with narrow shoulders that slip out easily----which is why the trend for 'nice square sheep' in some show circles is not a good thing

3 interventions a year out of 1000 ewes is my normal rate---usually ewe lambs or trips/quads. That's plenty


  • Joined Feb 2014
  • Wild West
Re: Feeding Tup Lambs
« Reply #48 on: November 20, 2014, 11:17:09 am »
Aww, I'm so disappointed! I thought 20kg lambs were on the cards!

If i breed a ram guaranteed to produce 20kg lambs then you have to promise to use him on all your ewes (and pay me lots of money of course)

Ok will do!


  • Joined Feb 2014
  • Wild West
Re: Feeding Tup Lambs
« Reply #49 on: November 20, 2014, 11:20:31 am »
I'm sure I'm not the only one would pay money for a tup that throws teeny tiny lambs that grow like stink  :)

I've had too many vet interventions with monster lambs

Shame, I like doing sheep ceasars (on other peoples sheep!) I've always been tempted to put a Charmoise poster up over the caesarean table - but then maybe its not the right time.. too soon too soon..


  • Joined Jun 2012
  • Basingstoke
Re: Feeding Tup Lambs
« Reply #50 on: November 20, 2014, 11:35:40 am »
Aww, I'm so disappointed! I thought 20kg lambs were on the cards!

If i breed a ram guaranteed to produce 20kg lambs then you have to promise to use him on all your ewes (and pay me lots of money of course)

Ok will do!

So seeing as you are a vet... you could either

A: sell tups that give monster lambs at birth to all of your clients, knuckle down and become a cesar expert and charge a fortune for all of these cesars and be rolling in money

or B: sell them your charmoise tups, all the lambs come flying out with running shoes on, they come back for more tups and you increase your tup production, become well known and are then rolling in money.....

hmmm.... :thinking:


  • Joined Feb 2014
  • Wild West
Re: Feeding Tup Lambs
« Reply #51 on: November 20, 2014, 11:48:54 am »
TBH caesars don't make vets a lot of money - ok I will go for Plan B! NO! Plan A then Plan B and ramp the price up!


  • Joined Oct 2014
Re: Feeding Tup Lambs
« Reply #52 on: November 20, 2014, 05:38:46 pm »
i only got my new stock ram this year i have no idea how he produces...hes a triplet himself...i got him to late to use on my pedigrees (there all AI ed now) i have never used a Suffolk on my commercial this shall be interesting :3...always used an ile de france tup an have never had the vet out for any lambings with them...they near come out with running shoes on!


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