Nimbusllama - if reading this thread made you laugh, you really ought to have seen me trying to catch them two nights ago! I ended up standing outside the catching pen on the other side of the fence, rattling a bucket to draw them in to a trough full of nuts. (I had the Zwartbles inside the adjacent wee pen as decoys and everything, though that was mainly to stop them from troughing all the nuts themselves!).
When they were safely eating, I pulled a cunningly concealed rope which knocked a spade out from in front of the entry gate, allowing it to swing shut. I'm telling you, Wallace and Gromit would have been proud!!
It's good to hear you had some nice cross-bred lambs from a Zwartbles tup. I'm going to stick with the Manxes for at least another year, so my big dilemma just now is what tup to put them with. I think my options are:
1) Zwartbles - makes life nice and easy, and allows me to breed the Z lambs pure and keep the girls. However, would using such a big boy on wee first-timer primitives give problems lambing?
2) Another commercial breed - I can easily borrow a Beltex, Texel or Blackface tup lamb, but would that be any better? My neighbour recommends Beltex for easy lambing (apparently the lambing problems with the breed are all on the maternal side?), and at least the lambs would be ugly enough to eat with a clear conscience
3) Another primitive tup lamb who we would then eat - easier lambing for my first timers, but slower growth and the potential of all hell breaking loose with the neighbours if he jumped the fence and got in with theirs!
I do like making life difficult for myself, don't I?