I've done the poll and I answer to my vote to get the marksman
I have experience of just two lots of manx. My brother had half a dozen bought for meat and they were wild. Mr F sheared them but it was a huge effort to catch the b*****$ and the actual shearing was not easy. Later we both rounded them up for the abattoir , with plenty of help (but not my brother who always managed to be 'busy' somewhere else) In the end they had to be caught by throwing electranet over them (not energised obviously) and jumping on them, then manhandling them into the trailer. Phew - exhausting. Never again. Could have done with the trident to go with the net
The second lot were a wether and 3 shearling ewes we bought, as I thought they would complement our Hebs, having the same origins. Even the wether was a total pain, bossing around my non-breeding old ladies til we stuck him in with the tups who soon put him in his place. The females were horrible bullies, shoving my other breeds around, not letting them near the feed and always heading the breakaway when we tried to round them up. Serendipitously, someone came to buy a Heb tup and bought the Manx ewes as well and took them far far away to join another flock. And after all that, the fleece wasn't anything like as lovely as I'd expected.
Hence - get in a marksman
Seriously I don't think they will calm down enough to be mild mannered and manageable, although it is worth persevering until they have raised lambs.
To tame them down a bit and make them more catchable, you need to get them into a much smaller pasture where they can at least become used to your presence. Chasing them around will never end up with them caught, so calmly driving them into the other pasture might work (if you have such a place). Sometimes it works just to leave the gate open into the other pasture then go out of sight (sheep read human body language with great skill, so they will know the instant you leave the house that you want to catch them). They might go in straight away or you might have to leave them for a couple of days until they feel confident to wander in. Don't let them see you go to close the gate, don't run to do it, and don't do it if they can reach the gate before you do
You have to get a system for catching them, even if it's just to tag their lambs, but they will also need at least flystrike prevention (if the flies can catch them
), possible worming depending on your land, and to be holdable for emergency treatments
Sorry, but although I love Manx on principle for their rarity, their history, their appearance, they are definitely not for me.
The only qualifier I would add, is that the fact that they did eat out of your hands once offers a tiny ray of hope. Was the flock they came from well handled and tame? If so, then perhaps they just need to get used to you and their new surroundings, then you can tell me how wrong I am