I sympathise hugely - my sheep got struck with contagious opthalmia in early June, I panicked because some of the sheep (the Gotlands) went blind and I originally thought it was due to me overworming them. It was very odd as the other affected sheep just got sticky eyes but my Gotlands actually went blind and their corneas clouded over and went bluey-white.
My vet prescribed Terramycin LA for the adults but I ended up giving it to all the adults and lambs because some of the lambs had it too. I used Orbenin only in the infected eyes as I didn't have enough to treat the entire flock - this was easier said than done!!
It was not easy administering this stuff to a reluctant sheep, so I ended up putting some on my finger and it was the only way I could get it in.
There were a few sheep (Gotlands) who seemed to take a long time to respond and with those I re-treated with Orbenin.
Best of luck
ETA I just checked again and some of them still have it - one who looked like she was improving now has it back in both eyes
so looks like it's still doing the rounds
. However two of the worst affected are now clear.