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Author Topic: Price of POLs - got some!  (Read 27756 times)


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Re: Price of POLs - got some!
« Reply #75 on: July 30, 2011, 10:55:06 pm »
Sounds like they've settled in nicely and you're enjoying them. They do drink an awful lot for the size of them so if you do get a 'proper' drinker I would decide what size you want,  then get a bigger one! I have had bowls and they get full of soil  when they eventually turn the run to bare earth. I now have bowls and a drinker hanging from a branch. Are you getting any work done in your office??

Thanks, I reckon I need a bigger container or two - I didn't realise how much they needed but it's helping them see me as a supplier of goodies rather than a predator so possibly a useful development ;)

Office work, um, well, no, not much actually..  :-[  I'm easily distracted ;)
And your accountant's got your books - good excuse eh?  ;)
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


  • Joined Oct 2007
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Re: Price of POLs - got some!
« Reply #76 on: July 31, 2011, 12:36:36 pm »
We use an old ground feeder for a horselick and a washing up bowl. Both work fine and cost nothing. Both get emptied and brushed out at night anyway, so soil doesn't matter. Given the opportunity, the hens use puddles, so it clearly doesn't bother them either  ;D


  • Joined Aug 2011
Re: Price of POLs - got some!
« Reply #77 on: August 01, 2011, 11:30:13 am »

l adopted 12 chickens recently as a whole lot of all different breeds….to be fair l have bitten off more than l can chew so to speak and am looking to let go 6 in total.  I  have 3 that l can definately let go but they must be kept together as they follow each other and roost together and are really great chums..

They three are rare Lavendar Araucana’s which lay blue / green eggs!

You are welcome to come and have a look lf you are interested.  I  would be looking for £50 for the three.  They are about 1 year old and good layers



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Re: Price of POLs - got some!
« Reply #78 on: August 01, 2011, 02:34:25 pm »
I do wish people would say where they are, or put a pin on the map, not necessarily exactly where they are if they are afraid for security reasons, but near enough to give an indication of some sort.  Sorry, no offence, not wanting to buy hens anyway, I can get Hylines from a friend for £8 each,fully vaccinated and wormed, adn I like getting exbatts too at £5 each..
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


  • Joined Aug 2010
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Re: Price of POLs - got some!
« Reply #79 on: August 03, 2011, 10:38:29 pm »
I do wish people would say where they are, or put a pin on the map, not necessarily exactly where they are if they are afraid for security reasons, but near enough to give an indication of some sort.  Sorry, no offence, not wanting to buy hens anyway, I can get Hylines from a friend for £8 each,fully vaccinated and wormed, adn I like getting exbatts too at £5 each..
How do you put a pin on the map? I just somehow assumed someone ? Dan did it , but of course how could he if he doesn't know where you are  ::)


  • Joined Aug 2010
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Re: Price of POLs - got some!
« Reply #80 on: August 03, 2011, 10:41:04 pm »
I do wish people would say where they are, or put a pin on the map, not necessarily exactly where they are if they are afraid for security reasons, but near enough to give an indication of some sort.  Sorry, no offence, not wanting to buy hens anyway, I can get Hylines from a friend for £8 each,fully vaccinated and wormed, adn I like getting exbatts too at £5 each..
How do you put a pin on the map? I just somehow assumed someone ? Dan did it , but of course how could he if he doesn't know where you are  ::)
Aah! just gone to the map & see it tells you ::)


  • Joined Aug 2012
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Re: Price of POLs - got some!
« Reply #81 on: August 04, 2011, 04:17:23 pm »
Well done, I didn't mean to offend, I was just particularly frustrated with someone else on Monday! :-[
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


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