Oh weyhey - great stuff Fronhaul - will defo have to keep a look out for each other. I've got the Fishguard Schedule here, and not made up my mind yet - but maybe I'll go for it now that I know a TAS person is also gonna be there
robbert waddell - yeah, we have an isolation unit for the pigs as we have a boar who moves on and off and we have weaners going off very often too - so all official in that department. We won't be doing any back-to-back showing with the sheep, so don't think I'll worry about an isolation unit for the sheeps at this stage
Kaz - sadly, Karen was GOT AT by my Lleyn Ram who busted throught the wooden gate and made a bee line for her last October....despite the Ryeland Ram being in there too.....who looked on rather sadly
We were just in the middle of swapping rams around to put them with their respective little gangs of wives, only Po decided he wasn't going to wait (devil). Don't have the Lleyns anymore as much prefer the woolley sheep.....although the shearer doesnt {{{snigger snigger}}}. Fingers crossed for next year
Fleecewife - the AML stuff was a rather odd arrangement, so maybe I've misunderstood.....but no doubt they'll ring or send it back if I've got it wrong. I'm going to take another set with me to be on the safe side.
Did a bit more lead rein training yesterday. The ewe I'm going to show is doing quite well, but her mate whom I'm taking along as a companion, isn't quite so keen and seems to spend a lot of time either with all 4 feet way up in the air or else lying down on the ground