Right....I hate to disagree but.....
Organophosphate sheep dips are a huge risk to human health not to mention environmental damage if not used properly. Synthetic pyrethroid dips are banned in the uk at the moment....that says it all really
Pour ons for flystrike prevention such as Clik and lice and tick treatment such as Spot on and cattle ivermectin based worm pour ons are very safe and controllable if used properly. The likelihood of ingestion by other animals is negligable if used properly.
Big flocks of thousands may indeed dip.....but most flocks are not in the thousands and many not in the hundreds either.....pour ons are perfect for this sector and safer for the animal and the operator!
Easy care sheep are similar to the Wiltshire horn and are developed to be easier than the average sheep to look after.....However I still rest my case on the fact that there is no substitute for good stockmanship and whilst I suspect you will not agree I think the term 'easy care' is most misleading!