There aren't many poultry sales at this time of year but I assume there needs to be some transport of birds to keep the poultry industry going but it isn't through open markets anyway.
The Bernard Matthews outbreak was though to be via just one of these business transports ... will be interesting to see if they discover the cause this time
There have always been movement restrictions in the outbreak and surveillance zones, has there not?
Also, is part of the problem in any disease outbreak, that by the time people know there is a problem and report it movements will have already taken place? With the large producers there is a record of the movements and part of the investigation is to trace all the movements.
It seems to me that when there is a case, in this country, looking at the information provided by the government, they are generally isolated and remain contained, which must say something for the measures put in place and the management of bio security in these places.
All the incidents seem to blame wild birds as the source.