Well I have those rather large runs (2 of them - one is 4 by 6 meters, and the other is 4 x 3 meters) - so they are mesh all over, and inside them are coops which the chickens can lay and sleep. Generally in the mornings before we properly get up for the day or at night, we leave them in there only - and then let them out to roam field time during the day. But in case of bird flu - which is what I want to prepare for - would this be sufficient to keep them in those? It wouldn't be ideal for them but they'd be pretty happy to be in there than put to pasture permanently.
Now as for wild birds, I'd suspect the majority would have no access to the inside BUT could little birds get through the mess holes? Maybe? We're talking about mesh which was intended to be used on chicken runs (or small rodent) - so pretty small holes but not enough to keep a sparrow or wren...maybe not, they could if they saw good food available, get in. Also, I generally have one half covered with tarp in on one, the other has a pre-made tarp made to fit it on one half. So wild birds flying over top could have droppings?
Just trying to be prepared for such an occasion and whilst have chooks before, never had them during a bird flu.