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Author Topic: lamb prices!  (Read 11960 times)


  • Joined Jul 2013
  • Scottish Borders
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Re: lamb prices!
« Reply #30 on: October 27, 2015, 05:25:58 pm »
To some extent I find validity in your points, coximus, but when you a producing something suitable for your area and which generally markets well, then suddenly the average price per lamb you are receiving is £20 per less than the year before, it is a big knock.  An established business could handle it better, but when you are young and have borrowed heavily to get going, it is scary and disappointing,  We don't have our heads in the sand, we do everything we can to keep our costs down and produce a high quality high welfare product, but you can't just change things instantly in farming, and needs and wants change so quickly it is very hard to predict.


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