Simply put people are often treating farming like an ideal dream world, they want ot do it THEIR way and get paid. Tough, its a market.
I know people making £70/profit a breeding ewe, and I know people loosing £40
Im making between £20 and £60. Their you go.
Mules are my least profitable, Heb x Tex ewes put to Tex x easycare and Tex x heb rams have been my most profitable.
They key to making this industry work is the same as any OTHER. Keep your costs down, and accept the market sets the price. - I dont hear people complaining when snow means less animals around and they're all getting £75 a head, but they all moan when that attracts more people to sell, supply goes up and prices are down at £55.
Daft thing is, at £55 these people loose 10, at 75 they make 10, but they could of made 40 at 75.......
The key is to DITCH breeds that dont work for in your area - I see people keeping soft suff x mules on hill ground, chasing the fat lamb, but spending £££ on extra feed to keep them alive.
People nursing old ewes thru one last winter with cake.....
Ditch them.
Cull anything that has a foot problem - even once.
Focus on animals and bloodlines that Grow fast off grass.
This is why I am currently after a Charmoise - It will have to be next year, as I decided to wait until My easycare and easycare x hebridean Numbers were up closer to 100. Breeds that are low maintenance, healthy, few foot problems and costs, and finish and grow without extra feeding.
My neighbour stopped laughing at heb x easycares when He saw they didnt loose condition in 5 inches of snow....... and were consuming 1 4ft round of hay for 30 them in a week. his mules were melting, eating 3 rounds of silage a week for 35 of them. I breed my ewes to be excelent converters of poor forrage, to be hardy and to be minimal impact on the environment. And it pays. Work with nature.
I do feel for those loosing money, but in any other business, thats the warning bell, pack up!