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Author Topic: gahh, bloody crows stealing eggs!  (Read 25269 times)

lord flynn

  • Joined Mar 2012
gahh, bloody crows stealing eggs!
« on: May 14, 2014, 09:36:36 pm »
having a bit of a week! (gape worm birds all much improved).

I have been diligently collecting eggs from the last week from my three best hens and setting them for incubation this week. One of my lot went broody and has been sitting tight for a few days, even after moving her. Last night I gave her 10 eggs to sit on and this morning, she seemed happy-making lots of happy broody noises. When I got home today-she'd gone back to the main house in the adjacent run. eggs gone. completely gone-bedding still clean and intact-nary a sign of shell etc. I was at a loss-all the chickens were accounted for, no sign of egg eating and besides, only the broody was in there-it was partitioned off and she's about the only one that can fly in and out. So I was thinking stoats or rats  :-\

 It wasn't until later that I noticed a crow in the willow tree in the pen (not unusual). It then flew onto the roof, then onto the ground and hopped into the spare house (its actually a small duck house that I used for growers usually) to have a look! It then caught sight of the two eggs I left in the run on top of the feeder in the run next door-hopped over the fence, up onto the feeder and nicked one and flew off! I'm not sure if Gollum would have protected eggs or not but he couldn't get in that run either. I guess she left the nest for a while and the crows moved in-they are always about, big rookery by farm about 1/2 mile away. bloody things, I have some coming from a breeder on sat to go in the incy and this was going to be my last hatch this year and really wanted some off these three as well.

Steph Hen

  • Joined Jul 2013
  • Angus Scotland.
Re: gahh, bloody crows stealing eggs!
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2014, 10:22:49 pm »
I'm getting this problem with them too. They were stealing food, but now the eggs are disappearing too. They fly off as soon as I open the window to take a shot (yet ignore me when I bang on the window or sound my horn if in the car. Will be setting a cage trap tomorrow with eggs in it. Meant to do it just now but too much effort.


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Re: gahh, bloody crows stealing eggs!
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2014, 10:24:54 pm »
I totally sympathise - we're having a similar problem.  Not only do the crows pinch the chickens eggs, but the ducks eggs too.  The crows actually go into our chicken coop and nab the eggs out of the nest boxes.  We're designing a type of porch thing with a side entrance to go in front of the pop hole to try and deter them.  They don't like not having a clear, quick exit for a speedy getaway!


  • Joined Aug 2012
Re: gahh, bloody crows stealing eggs!
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2014, 11:57:56 pm »
Same here. I topped up all feeders and drinkers last night as I wasn't going to be able to get to the hens until late today. My Welsummer pen who have been laying 8-10 per day I got 1 egg today. Plus one broken but without shell in the nest box. Light Sussex also 1 egg from 9 birds and that was under the broody. I've seen crows flying up over the last few days. I think tomorrow is Air Arms S200 time for my egg eating friends. Going to stake them out for an hour and take them down.

Next job is rollaways so they can't get them in the first place.


  • Joined Oct 2010
Re: gahh, bloody crows stealing eggs!
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2014, 06:59:14 am »
I've had the same, but they are taking duck eggs. I think it is because the ducks have a shed and the door is larger than the chicken house. Some of the ducks do chase them off if they try and eat the food.
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Re: gahh, bloody crows stealing eggs!
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2014, 07:50:57 am »
for my broody/breeding area i have covered the pens in a light garden mesh (10quid in b&q) after loosing a couple of chicks to i believe magpies!!!

in future even if i get more space all my breeding areas will be covered to protect against predators.


  • Joined Dec 2010
  • Talley, Carmarthenshire
Re: gahh, bloody crows stealing eggs!
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2014, 08:10:10 am »
The crows are stealing my duck eggs too. I have been collecting them when I can but now have quite a few and OH hasn't made the incubator yet  :(
Life is like a bowl of cherries, mostly yummy but some dodgy bits

lord flynn

  • Joined Mar 2012
Re: gahh, bloody crows stealing eggs!
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2014, 08:50:49 am »
I would normally have a broody in the ark with the secure pen I currently have growers in-the growers are going this weekend so would have moved that for the broody + chicks then. I just didn't twig the crows would go in the coop for the eggs.

covered pens are a pain in the butt Bloomer-had them at the last place, they are alot of work to keep them good. Arguably not as hard work as losing eggs/youngsters to crows though! I've used bird mesh alot and hate the darn stuff-on a windy hillside its very irritating.

one project this year is to build a secure pen for youngsters but it will have to be dug in-when you see our place you'll understand  ;D

how to scare off crows? I do now have a cat but they will be in for another week or so-not sure a crow will be put off by a cat though.

Steph Hen

  • Joined Jul 2013
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Re: gahh, bloody crows stealing eggs!
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2014, 09:34:13 am »
Cage trap set in the little hen house, fingers crossed! But they're so darn clever, won't be at all surprised if they avoid it!
I have netting above some of the pen, but the bit by the (two story) house is uncovered as the gate and things catch on it. I'm in no state to be climbing up to put new support and net up -37week pregnant and massive!


  • Joined Nov 2011
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Re: gahh, bloody crows stealing eggs!
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2014, 10:40:04 am »
I have put a run on the out side of the houses and all fine so far..
Old and rare breed Ducks, chickens, geese, sheep, guinea pigs, 3 dogs, 3 cats, husband and chicks brooding in the tv cabinate!

lord flynn

  • Joined Mar 2012
Re: gahh, bloody crows stealing eggs!
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2014, 10:56:54 am »
would a decoy owl work?


  • Joined Dec 2010
  • Talley, Carmarthenshire
Re: gahh, bloody crows stealing eggs!
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2014, 10:57:58 am »
would a decoy owl work?
I have no idea but I have a metal heron. I might try that I guess there is nothing to loose
Life is like a bowl of cherries, mostly yummy but some dodgy bits

Steph Hen

  • Joined Jul 2013
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Re: gahh, bloody crows stealing eggs!
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2014, 12:46:33 pm »
Cage trap set in the little hen house, fingers crossed! But they're so darn clever, won't be at all surprised if they avoid it!

Well, to get rid of crows, you just need to put a trap in there, not seen one since it was installed.

lord flynn

  • Joined Mar 2012
Re: gahh, bloody crows stealing eggs!
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2014, 01:38:26 pm »
would they be fooled that a dog crate is a trap lol?!

Steph Hen

  • Joined Jul 2013
  • Angus Scotland.
Re: gahh, bloody crows stealing eggs!
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2014, 07:53:20 pm »
would they be fooled that a dog crate is a trap lol?!

No they are not fooled, it has to be a trap. :-J
But how hard could it be to secure a string to an egg inside the crate, with string running to a trigger pin that is holding open the door? -I'm sure you could improvise a trap from the crate, and then you'll be able to keep all your lovely eggs!  :)


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